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Mark Zuckerberg's self-serving push for regulation

The debate over regulating Google and Facebook took an interesting turn recently, when prominent Canadian nationalist Richard Stursberg teamed up with Kevin Chan, Facebook’s lobbyist in Ottawa, to publish an opinion piece in the Globe and Mail that maps out a regulatory path for our federal government.

The fact that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who has been doing everything he can to resist regulation in Australia, is sending out his lackeys to push for regulation in Canada means he’s worried about what our government might do.

Information Bulletin #3

Sisters and Brothers,

As previously communicated, due to current government restrictions in the Toronto area, we have been forced to find an alternative location to begin negotiations with the Company. For the next three weeks your Bargaining Committee will be together at the National office in Ottawa and will begin negotiations with the Company via Zoom.

Unifor calls for additional transit security to enforce mask requirement

November 27, 2020 VANCOUVER – As British Columbia’s largest transit worker union, Unifor is calling for additional transit security resources to enforce COVID-19 mask requirements. “Insufficient transit security and police presence has put drivers in the dangerous position of dealing with passengers who refuse to comply with public health regulations that require masks onboard public busses,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Member education push begins in Alberta

During a videoconference earlier this month, a wide cross-section of Unifor members in Alberta strategized about the relentless attack by premier...

Information Bulletin #2

Sisters and Brothers,

This letter is to inform you that due to current government restrictions in the Toronto area, we have been forced to find an alternative location to begin negotiations with the Company.

Negotiations, which were scheduled to begin in Toronto this week, have been temporarily postponed. We are currently working through the logistics regarding a new location and COVID-19 protocols, with a tentative date to begin on Tuesday December 1, 2020.

Unifor cautiously optimistic about federal net-zero emissions plan

November 19, 2020

TORONTO—The federal government’s new legislation to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 is a step in the right direction, says Unifor.

“Canada can meet international climate change obligations and create good jobs at the same time,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Workers must be involved in decisions about our jobs and our communities. Nothing about us without us.”

Unifor Statement on the Trans Day of Remembrance

Unifor unites with a growing movement around the world in acknowledging November 20 as the Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR). November 20 is a day of mourning, as our union comes together to recognize those whose lives - overwhelmingly Black trans women and femmes - have been taken due to anti-trans violence.

We mourn the lives lost and stand alongside trans members and their families as they seek to live with the dignity, safety and freedom that we all need and deserve.

Conservative election complaints against Unifor thrown out

November 18, 2020

WINNIPEG—Elections Manitoba has dismissed all complaints filed against Unifor by the Progressive Conservative Party during the 2019 provincial election.

“Brian Pallister attempted to use Manitoba’s election financing laws to bully one of his most effective critics. He failed,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Pallister was looking for any excuse to distract voters from his record in office.”

Ontario area meetings go digital

Family events, bargaining tables, and even workouts have moved online in 2020. This past week, Unifor’s Ontario Area Meetings made the shift,