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This is a Labour Day unlike most others—and not just for the obvious reasons

Getting together in big groups, as we would normally at marches and picnics in the usual celebration of workers’ collective power, is just not possible or even a good idea during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What makes this Labour Day so different is that workers in Saskatchewan are quickly headed toward a reckoning with the Sask Party government that is at odds, if not overtly hostile, to working people’s interests.

Bargaining Update #3

Unifor members,

After having been in active negotiations in downtown Toronto with company officials at Ford, General Motors and Fiat Chrysler, the Unifor Master Bargaining Committee have adjourned their meetings as of Friday September 4. This is in anticipation of Unifor National President Jerry Dias’ selection of the strike target, scheduled for Tuesday September 8 (for more details on the strike target and process, see below).

Through this pandemic, workers will exercise their power

By, Jerry Dias

The COVID-19 crisis has exposed many hard-truths about the state of Canada’s economy in 2020. 

The incompetence of our private sector in long-term care homes, for one. The lack of manufacturing capacity to produce critical goods when we need them, another. Generally unhelpful income security programs. 

The list goes on. 

But there’s a deep fault line in this crisis that runs straight through the world of work.

Jerry Dias: Through this pandemic, workers will exercise their power

This crisis has shone a public spotlight on one of the most troubling truths about our economy that requires careful reflection this Labour Day: the relentless devaluation of work. As usual, if decision-makers are not going to step up and bring the change that is needed, working people are going to take this fight into our own hands.


President’s Message: Through this pandemic, workers will exercise their power

The COVID-19 crisis has exposed many hard-truths about the state of Canada’s economy in 2020. The incompetence of our private sector in long-term care homes, for one. The lack of manufacturing capacity to produce critical goods when we need them, another. Generally unhelpful income security programs. The list goes on. But there’s a deep fault line in this crisis that runs straight through the world of work.


Unifor calls for review of container trucking black market

August 27, 2020

VANCOUVER—Lack of proper monitoring and enforcement of “off-dock” trucking shipments threatens the livelihoods of all law-abiding Port Metro Vancouver container truckers and demands action, says Unifor.

“When there’s no enforcement, unscrupulous businesses will create a black market,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Under illegal markets legitimate businesses suffer, workers lose their jobs, and government quickly loses control. Truckers are demanding justice.”

School bus drivers call for standardized COVID-19 safety protocols

August 25, 2020 TORONTO – Unifor school bus driver members are calling on the Ontario government to implement standardized COVID-19 safety protocols in order to protect both themselves and the students onboard. “Drivers are very concerned about pandemic safety measures, or lack thereof, that are supposed to come into effect in just a few short weeks,” said Debbie Montgomery, President of Unifor Local 4268.