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N.S. misses mark on domestic violence leave

March 29, 2018

HALIFAX-Failing to make domestic violence leave paid leave allows a major barrier to remain for Nova Scotia women who need to flee violent homes says Unifor.

“Protected leave is important so women do not lose their jobs for missing work. but we know that economic security is critical when a woman decides to escape a violent situation and today’s legislation misses this critical fact,” said Lana Payne, Atlantic Regional Director.

Ontario budget pledges progressive investments

March 28, 2018

TORONTO- The Ontario budget’s investments in public services show continued momentum towards social justice and the effectiveness of political activism.

Unifor forms Ontario health care alliance

Unifor is uniting with two of Ontario’s largest health care unions, the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions of the Canadian Union of Public Employees..

Unifor hosts NAFTA: A Worker’s View Roundtable

March 28, 2018

OTTAWA – Unifor National President Jerry Dias will host NAFTA: A Worker’s View Roundtable, featuring Mexican and Canadian labour leaders, Canada’s Chief NAFTA negotiator Steve Verheul and members of Canadian civil society groups.

“This is a critical time for the voices of workers to be heard on the true impact of NAFTA in both nations,” said Dias. “There is real danger that the sudden push by the U.S. for a rush deal could lead to a further deterioration of living standards for workers.”

Unifor hosts NAFTA: A Worker’s View Roundtable

OTTAWA – Unifor National President Jerry Dias will host NAFTA: A Worker’s View Roundtable, featuring Mexican and Canadian labour leaders, Canada’s Chief NAFTA negotiator Steve Verheul and members of Canadian civil society groups.

“This is a critical time for the voices of workers to be heard on the true impact of NAFTA in both nations,” said Dias. “There is real danger that the sudden push by the U.S. for a rush deal could lead to a further deterioration of living standards for workers.”

Unifor to comment on Ontario budget

March 28, 2018

TORONTO- Unifor representatives will be available to comment following the release of the 2018 Ontario provincial budget.

“The Liberals’ announcement of free public childcare for preschool children shows the pressure that workers are putting on this government is being felt,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

Unique alliance of 75,000 hospital workers formed in Ontario

March 27, 2018 TORONTO -Three of Canada’s largest unions today announced an alliance that kicks off an escalating campaign of membership mobilization to push Ontario hospitals to return to bargaining and treat their staff with respect.

Dear Unifor Members in the Health Care Bargaining Unit:

The Nova Scotia Council of Health Care Unions (Unifor, NSGEU, CUPE and NSNU) today requested that the Nova Scotia Labour Board settle the outstanding issues and finalize an Essential Services plan for the IWK. The Labour Board has 30 days to hear submissions from both the Employer and the Council of Unions and reach a conclusion on the remaining issues.
At the end of this process the IWK will have an Essential Services plan.

Unifor and Mexican labour leaders join in NAFTA lobby

March 26, 2018

OTTAWA – Unifor and Mexican labour leaders join together this week to warn MPs about the dangers of negotiating a NAFTA deal that fails to protect workers in both countries.

“The old NAFTA model was built on exploitation, as Canadian manufacturing jobs migrated to Mexico where multinationals are permitted to pay workers poverty wages,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “If a new NAFTA does not address low wages and labour rights in Mexico then both Canadian and Mexican workers will continue to pay the price.”

Unifor and Mexican labour leaders join in NAFTA lobby

OTTAWA – Unifor and Mexican labour leaders join together this week to warn MPs about the dangers of negotiating a NAFTA deal that fails to protect workers in both countries.

“The old NAFTA model was built on exploitation, as Canadian manufacturing jobs migrated to Mexico where multinationals are permitted to pay workers poverty wages,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “If a new NAFTA does not address low wages and labour rights in Mexico then both Canadian and Mexican workers will continue to pay the price.”

School bus drivers ratify collective agreements

March 25, 2018

TORONTO – School bus drivers at First Student Canada and Parkview Transit, members of Unifor locals 4268 and 1285, have voted to accept new collective agreements.

“Unifor worked diligently to achieve significant gains in these two contracts as part of the union’s ongoing work to raise standards for school bus drivers across Ontario’s student transportation sector,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

School bus strike ends

Unifor Local 4268 and First Student Bowmanville have reached a tentative agreement, bringing an end to a three day school bus strike.

“The drivers took a firm stand and as a result were able to reach a deal with First Student that better reflects their true value,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “While this negotiation highlighted the issue of unpaid work the practice remains common in the student transportation sector. Unifor will continue to lead the fight to fix unfair pay structures and other systemic problems in Ontario’s school bus industry.” 

First Student Bowmanville Bargaining Update - March 21, 2018

Sisters and Brothers,

Today the company publicly released its final monetary offer, which was refused by your bargaining committee last night. First Student failed to tell the whole story truthfully. This should shock no one.

We are writing today to clarify why your bargaining committee rejected this offer.

Striking bus drivers hold information pickets at schools

Striking school bus drivers conducted information pickets at two Bowmanville schools this morning to provide information and engage directly with parents and students impacted by the work action.

“Parents and other community members are incredibly supportive when they hear that the drivers are on strike because First Student refuses to pay for all of the time spent driving the bus,” said Unifor Ontario Director Naureen Rizvi. “Many are shocked to learn that the person they entrust to transport their kids to school safely is expected to work for free.” 

Pallister bungling continues at Manitoba Hydro

March 21, 2018

WINNIPEG—Unifor says that mass resignation of the Manitoba Hydro board of directors is another signal that Premier Brian Pallister cannot achieve results that benefit the province.

“The Premier is causing chaos in the management of public services and Crown corporations,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Front line public sector workers do great work for Manitobans, but we can’t say the same for Brian Pallister’s performance.”

Help save media jobs now

Unifor members who work in the media sector are urging the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to stop the...