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Job action to begin at Grand River Transit

The transit authority’s refusal to augment training and take working conditions seriously will result in service disruption in the Kitchener-Waterloo and Cambridge area.

Temporary Workers Speak Out on Discrimination

In the past decade, employers in Ontario have shifted to rely on precarious and contract jobs. Temporary agencies and part-time temp work has grown rapidly in the province and across the country. These agencies not only benefit from, but also drive predatory employment practices that target immigrants and women of colour like those in the East Danforth Community Chapter (EDCC).

More bargaining ahead at Grand River Transit

Monday, March 27, 2017 Waterloo— Voting on a tentative agreement for Grand River Transit (GRT) drivers has yielded a split result, so transit service will continue during more negotiations. “There are aspects of the agreement that were rejected and remain unresolved,” said Tim Mitchell, Unifor National Representative. Unifor Local 4304 has reached out to the employer to return to the table this week to avoid job action, but the union warns that GRT has to be committed to progress.

Hazardous exposure sessions for former GE workers

Unifor invites former General Electric-Canada Peterborough workers, their families, and the community to attend information sessions on Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) claims related to hazardous material exposure at the plant. Unifor will be in attendance to aid current and former members who have or are considering an occupational disease claim. Information will be provided on the claims system, the status of cases, and the next steps in the process.

Provincial budget makes families pay for Sask Party’s mistakes

Wednesday, March 22, 2017 Regina—The Sask Party has introduced measures that punish families and could slow the economy even further—exactly the opposite of what the province needs, says Unifor. “The Sask Party has failed voters. This government has created a mess of our province’s finances yet they’ve asked families, the working people of the province, to bail them out,” said Paul McKie, Unifor Area Director.

Budget makes positive moves, but still too slowly

OTTAWA, March 22 – While today’s federal budget contains several encouraging elements to grow and strengthen an economy that helps working people and their families, more could have been done, says Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “It is encouraging to see investment measures in this budget that will help workers, their families and their communities to build better futures,” Unifor National President Jerry Dias said.

Unifor 2017 Pre-Budget Submission

Our budget 2017 submission focuses on policy priorities and budgetary investments that will create good jobs, strengthen Canadian businesses and increase economic prosperity for Canadian workers, their families and communities.

Media availability: Unifor National President available for budget comment

OTTAWA – Unifor National President Jerry Dias will be in the Centre Block of Parliament as the federal budget is released on Wednesday, and available to do media interviews on what the budget means for working Canadians.

“Working people in Canada need a budget that addresses the real needs they face and creates opportunities for them, their families and their communities to prosper,” Dias said. “Canadians need to know that their government is working to improve their lives.”

Unifor National President available for budget comment

OTTAWA, March 21 – Unifor National President Jerry Dias will be in the Centre Block of Parliament as the federal budget is released on Wednesday, and available to do media interviews on what the budget means for working Canadians.

“Working people in Canada need a budget that addresses the real needs they face and creates opportunities for them, their families and their communities to prosper,” Dias said. “Canadians need to know that their government is working to improve their lives.”

Temp workers speak out about predatory employment

Toronto - Unifor’s East Danforth Community Chapter and the South Asian Women’s Rights Organization will host a public forum on March 23 to reveal the illegal, unfair and discriminatory employment practices of temporary agencies. “Illegal working conditions are experienced by too many workers, but our voices are often silenced as we move from job to job,” said Syeda Sabiha President of the Unifor East Danforth Community Chapter.

Co-op Refinery workers reject latest offer

Tuesday, March 21, 2017 Regina—A record turnout of Unifor Local 594 members have overwhelmingly rejected the company’s so-called final offer on Monday night. “Workers have sent a crystal clear message to Co-op’s management: drop the concessions,” said Kevin Bittman, Local 594 President. “Co-op’s owners are massively profitable.

Transit operators reach deal with Grand River Transit

Waterloo—After bargaining into the night and through the strike deadline, Unifor Local 4304 has reached a tentative agreement with Grand River Transit. No interruption of service will result from the last minute deal. “I’m proud of our bargaining committee’s skill and commitment to getting a tentative agreement,” said Rick Lonergan, President of Unifor Local 4304. “We are committed to serving this community, so we bargained through the night.” Lonergan said the contract is a three-year deal.

Unifor welcomes Notley’s balanced approach to economic recovery

Thursday, March 16, 2017 Edmonton—The Alberta government’s commitment to job creation and protecting public services is the right course of action to a stronger recovery, says Canada’s largest private sector union. “Strong economic growth for 2017 will be Alberta’s reward for charting a course that kept social services strong during the downturn,” said Don Boucher, Unifor’s Alberta Area Director, referring to economic forecasts that say Alberta will lead all provinces in growth.

Co-op Refinery uses final offer tactic with union

Wednesday, March 15, 2017 Regina—The Co-op Refinery has moved one step closer to a labour disruption after the employer served a final offer to its workers. “Giving our union an ultimatum is a tactic that is doomed to fail,” said Kate McKinley, Unifor National Representative. “Labour negotiations have to be a ‘give and take’, not ‘take it or leave it’.” Members of Unifor Local 594 meet on March 20 to discuss the offer. The union’s bargaining committee is recommending that members vote to reject the offer.

Forestry workers to meet MPs for softwood lumber lobby

Friday, March 17, 2017

Ottawa—Unifor members from across Canada will meet with MPs next week to discuss how the federal government can save good Canadian jobs during Canada-U.S. Softwood Lumber Agreement negotiations.

“The stakes couldn’t be higher for one of the largest sectors of Canada’s economy,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “The Trudeau government must stop negotiating trade agreements from a position of fear and get a softwood deal that benefits Canadian forestry communities.”

Lay-offs at Pacific Newspaper Group lack any justification

Friday, March 10, 2017 Vancouver—Robust profits at Pacific Newspaper Group (PNG), a division of Postmedia Inc., mean that lay-offs announced this week are unnecessary and will undermine journalism in British Columbia, says Unifor. “The employer has posted almost $18-million in profits. There’s no reason for aggressive job cuts that will further damage the quality of professional journalism that British Columbians rely on,” said Brian Gibson, Unifor Local 2000 president. On Friday, Postmedia announced it is anticipating 54 layoffs.

Unifor meets with NS Health Minister about long-term care

Unifor local leaders working in long-term care in Nova Scotia made sure the province’s health minister knew the impact two years of funding cuts have had on the quality of care for seniors.

They were bold and heartfelt when they met with Minister Leo Glavine recently, and they did not shy away from explaining just how devastating the cuts to funding have been on staffing levels, on patient care, and on food budgets. 

HS Télécom to close regional office

Some fifty employees of HS Télécom in Estrie and part of Montérégie, who are members of Unifor Local 2009, received bad news with the announcement that their employer will be closing their regional office effective July 31.

Negotiations break down at Co-op Refinery

Tuesday, March 7, 2017 Regina—Mediated talks have broken off at the Co-op Refinery Complex after Unifor refused to let the employer degrade pensions for new employees. “New workers with the same training and the same skills deserve the same benefits. It’s that simple,” said Kate McKinley, Unifor National Representative.

New animated video shows threat to Saskatchewan’s Crown corporations

Monday March 6, 2017

Regina—A new animated video uses the fable of the Goose that Laid Golden Eggs to demonstrate how the Sask Party government’s handling of Crown corporations is a threat to the future of the province.

“Crown corporations save people money every day and help fund our hospitals and schools,” said Joie Warnock, Unifor Western Director. “But the Sask Party government has paved the way for privatization. For the sake of healthy public services, they must be stopped.”

Ruling puts armoured car workers and public at risk

The extension of a stay against a previous Federal Ministry of Labour ruling puts the safety of armoured car workers and the general public at risk, Unifor says.

“The directives in the original order recognized that the use of two-person, all off crews elevates the danger of armoured car personnel being attacked in public, which also increases the risk to innocent by-standers,” said Mike Armstrong, Unifor National Staff Representative and lead on armoured car industry matters.

Unifor and Labatts begin contract negotiations

Wednesday, February 22, 2017 Edmonton—Workers at the Labatt facility in Edmonton will begin bargaining a new contract with AB Inbev this week. “Unifor members at Labatts are united in their call for fair wages and benefits,” said Todd Romanow, Unifor National Representative. Romanow says that key issues in this round of negotiations will be ending the two-tiered wage and benefit system as well as dealing with a broken disciplinary process.

Unifor applauds ruling for union democracy

TORONTO – Unifor calls on the international Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) to respect Tuesday’s court ruling and the democratic rights of ATU Local 113 members. “The court ruled clearly and decisively, this is a victory for democracy in the Canadian labour movement that restores the rights of union members," Unifor National President Jerry Dias said.

BC budget shows Clark is still a premier for the wealthy

Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Victoria—With an election around the corner, BC Liberal Premier Christy Clark tried to mask tax cuts as real help for working people and families. “From tuition fees to housing to minimum wage, this budget does little or nothing to address the skyrocketing costs of living in BC,” said Joie Warnock, Unifor Western Director.