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International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination


On March 21st, people around the world celebrate the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Recognition of the importance of eradicating racial discrimination and the social, economic, political and cultural damage caused by racism, xenophobia and bigotry remain central to the fight for social justice for all people.

Unity needed for a renewed softwood lumber deal

This was published in the Huffington Post on Wednesday March 9th

The next seven months could be very nervous times in Canada’s forestry sector, particularly softwood lumber.

That’s because the Softwood Lumber Agreement that Canada signed with the U.S. in 2006 expired last October 12. Canada had hoped to simply renew the agreement at that time, but the U.S. refused. Instead, we have a one-year grace period in which the United States is obliged to refrain from brining new trade cases against Canadian lumber for one year. That ends next October.

Unintelligible communication with Coast Guard risks marine safety

OTTAWA, March 10, 2016 /CNW/ - Ongoing failures in the "new" technology deployed in the Coast Guard's Marine Communication and Traffic Services (MCTS) centres in Victoria and Prince Rupert are so serious that the union representing coast guard communication officers is warning that the safety of vessels and the coastline are at risk.

Media advisory - Audio from freedom of information request to be released during Unifor committee testimony

OTTAWA, March 10, 2016 /CNW/ - Canada's Coast Guard Communication Officers are sounding the alarm over serious flaws in the technology involved with the planned closure of the Marine Communication and Traffic Services (MCTS) center in Comox, British Columbia. At a hearing today of the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans, Unifor representatives will present exclusive audio evidence of highly distorted radio communications that could endanger the safety of vessels and the coastline.

Public debate needed on TPP, Unifor tells trade committee

OTTAWA, March 8, 2016 /CNW/ - There are serious concerns with the Trans Pacific Partnership that can only be addressed with a full and open debate among Canadians about the deal, Unifor National President Jerry Dias told the House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade this morning.

Presentation to Standing Committee on International Trade (CIIT)

Jerry Dias, Unifor National President
March 8, 2016


Good morning Mister Chairman and members of the committee.

My name is Jerry Dias and I am the National President of Unifor, Canada’s largest trade union in the private sector. With me is Angelo DiCaro, in our union’s Research Department.

Unifor represents over 310,000 workers across the country, in each province and in nearly every industry.

Unifor President at House Trade Committee

OTTAWA, March 7 /CNW/ - Unifor National President Jerry Dias will speak to the House Committee on Trade on Tuesday morning, emphasizing the need for meaningful consultations with all Canadians on the deal to address some very real concerns with what was negotiated.

"It is vital have an honest, evidence-based look at the deal, with full input from Canadians, to determine if it helps or hurts our economy," Dias said.

March – International Women’s Day 2016

International Women’s Day is an event with its roots in the labour movement. Over 100 years ago, women took to the streets to demand better wages and working conditions. Our members engage many different events to mark this day, but each event has a common theme: celebrating our achievements and recommitting our efforts to fight for gender equality. It is more than just being equal to men; our efforts must recognize the systemic injustice and violence that women face.

Report exposes DHL's abuse of workers: Unifor

TORONTO, March 4, 2016 /CNW/ - Unifor is raising concerns about global logistics giant DHL after a new report found the company guilty of breaking its own – and international – rules on the way its workers are treated.

Corporate hydro gift fails to protect good jobs in Williams Lake

WILLIAMS LAKE, BC, March 3, 2016 /CNW/ - After receiving notice of at least 17 layoffs at the Gibraltar Mine, Unifor says that the province's corporate hydro deferral program is failing northern communities.

"If the BC Liberal government's hydro deferral can't generate good jobs, then it's just corporate welfare," said Joie Warnock, Unifor's Western Director. "BC's families don't get a pass on their hydro bills, why should multinational mining companies that are laying off workers?"

Closing the Gender Wage Gap

Closing the gender wage gap must be treated as a human rights priority. It is more than just pay equity. It is about access to quality education, eliminating gender-based streaming, access to good jobs, community supports for workers such as child care and elder care, and an effective system to eliminate gender discrimination and sexual harassment. And, of course, it is about undervaluing (and therefore underpaying) women for the work that they do. Remedying the gap requires action on many fronts including a robust pay equity regime with supports for compliance and active enforcement.

Domestic Violence Leave: A Welcome Support for Manitoba Workers

A ground-breaking bill was introduced last fall in the Manitoba legislature which would provide workers facing domestic violence with paid leave from work.  Bill 8 has now passed second reading and Unifor made a presentation to the Justice Committee urging that it be passed.

CETA announcement shows it’s possible to fix trade deals

Published in the Huffington Post Wednesday March 2, 2016

After some rather minor tinkering with one part of the CETA free trade deal with Europe, our new Liberal government is now saying the deal could be signed, ratified and in force by 2017.

Not so fast.

There is still much to be concerned with here. But we can still fix what’s wrong, and not just with CETA. The announcement Monday proves that.

Massive school bus contract flip shows system's instability

TORONTO, Feb. 29, 2016 /CNW/ - The flipping of more than 450 Toronto-area school bus routes this morning shows how unstable a system Ontario has for handing out such contracts, and will only get worse, warns Unifor, the province's largest school bus driver union.

Massive route flip shows system's instability

The flipping of more than 450 Toronto-area school bus routes this morning shows how unstable a system RFPs are for handing out such contracts, and will only get worse, warns Unifor.

For more information, click here.

Ontario budget funding falls short: Unifor

TORONTO, Feb. 25 , 2016 /CNW/ - Unifor welcomes investment in education, health and infrastructure but says overall funding in the Ontario budget falls short. 

"“Increased funding in these key areas is overdue,”" said Unifor Ontario Director Katha Fortier. “"Today'’s budget is a start, but we need greater investment to really make a difference in the lives of Ontarians.”"