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Northland, Local 103

Unifor members from James Bay to North Bay, Ontario, working at Ontario Northland Railway...

Airport taxi dispute resolved

OTTAWA, Dec. 15, 2015 /CNW/ - Unifor and its Local 1688 have now resolved the airport labour dispute.  After several days of bargaining with the employer – Coventry connections, the Union held an all-day meeting on Monday. The airport taxi drivers voted unanimously to return to work. Since the Employees are now working for Coventry Connections directly, the Union took the step of disbanding the former airport taxi bargaining unit. That means the employees will be working under the Blue Line roof sign.

Labour board ruling means Harbour Link has run out of excuses

VANCOUVER, Dec. 11, 2015 /CNW/ - One of the container trucking companies holding out against signing the pattern collective agreement with its drivers has no more excuses after a new labour board ruling, says Unifor. Several irregularities in the evidence submitted by CLAC caused the Canadian Industrial Relations Board's (CIRB) to dismiss the application in the "raid" of Unifor's members at Harbour Link Container Services.

Fred Wilson COP21 Update - concluding thoughts

By Fred Wilson

As the COP21 climate conference comes close to a conclusion, the world can breathe a bit easier.                                                 

All-night negotiations chaired by France’s Laurent Fabius produced a near to final agreement that delivers at least some of the ambitions we have been waiting for.

The final agreement is expected on Saturday at noon, and a statement from the Canadian trade unionists that have been part of this process in Paris will be circulated soon after.

Stelpipe and Welland Pipe retiree info meeting

TORONTO, Dec. 11, 2015 /CNW/ -  Unifor Local 523 President Rick Alakas will speak to about 300 retirees from Stelpipe and Welland Pipe to discuss health benefit options after U.S Steel Canada immediately suspended all supports.

Unifor welcomes Teahen nomination for WSIB president

TORONTO, Dec. 10, 2015 /CNW/ - Canada's largest union in the private sector expressed hope today that the nomination of the Ontario premier's chief of staff to be president of the province's Workplace Safety and Insurance Board signals a renewed emphasis on the needs of injured workers.

Statement on International Human Rights Day

Our Rights - Our Freedoms

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Together with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, these instruments set out the civil, political, cultural, economic, and social rights that are the birth right of every person.

Precarious work lobby

Workers from across Ontario met with MPPs about precarious work and labour law changes.

Pacific Coach Lines workers vote 79% in favour of job action

VANCOUVER, Dec. 9, 2015 /CNW/ - Unifor members working at Pacific Coach Lines have voted overwhelmingly to take job action if necessary to achieve a fair severance package for long-serving drivers impacted by recent job cuts at the company.

"20-year veterans are being told that they won't be getting any severance," said Mario Santos, a National Representative at Unifor. "It is a cold-hearted move to treat your veteran employees like that."

COP21 Update - Emergencies in Paris

By Fred Wilson

A state of emergency has seized Paris this December, although sometimes it is hard to determine just which emergency is foremost. Armies of police surrounding the Le Bourget Climate Conference and smaller groups at every transit station and downtown shopping centres speak to one emergency. The massive posters and displays on the COP21 and environment and climate themes that dominate public spaces throughout Paris and its underground metro stations point to the other global emergency that brings us here.