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Unifor speaks with Mayor Clarke to avoid labour upset ahead of cruise ship season

SYDNEY, NS, April 17, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor Local 4624 workers brought their case before Mayor Cecil Clarke to discuss concerns about the future of their jobs. Stevedores at the Sydney waterfront were told they no longer had jobs after the Sydney Ports Corp. decided to hire non-unionized workers ahead of the upcoming cruise ship season.

Atlantic Council Wrap up

Unifor’s Regional Councils and the Quebec Council are a democratic force for union activism...

Bill C-525 a step backward

TORONTO, April 14, 2014 /CNW/ - Despite a last-minute amendment removing the worst part of the Harper government's anti-labour Bill C-525, the newly passed bill is still a big step backward for labour law in this country. Unifor, Canada's biggest union in the private sector is calling for it to be defeated in the Senate.

Inspired by today’s members, and tomorrow’s

This past week, it has been my incredible honour to stand beside workers – members of Unifor, and those working to join – as they stood up for their rights and for a voice in their communities.

Last Thursday, I stood with team members at Toyota in Ontario as we announced an escalation of their effort to join Unifor and become the first assembly plant outside the Detroit Big Three to be unionized in Canada.

Chipping away at the cultural mosaic

Rogers Broadcasting Limited is right now asking the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (our national broadcast regulator) to rewrite the rules governing ethnic television in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta – and not to the benefit of ethnic communities.

Toyota no longer following the Toyota Way

The following column by Toyota team member Ken Cleveland appeared in the Waterloo Region Record on April 4, 2014.

By Ken Cleveland

Much of what attracted me to a job at Toyota 17 years ago — besides good pay, benefits and a pension, of course — was that the company had a reputation for listening to its employees and working with them on issues facing the plant.

Unifor Atlantic Director Lana Payne honoured as a Woman of Bold Vision

CHARLOTTETOWN, April 10, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor Atlantic Director Lana Payne was chosen as one of 23 Women of Bold Vision from a long list of distinguished and accomplished nominees. The recognition is meant to highlight Canadian women who have demonstrated great passion and commitment to Canadian society, specifically with regards to women's issues.

Unifor National President Jerry Dias to lead march against Bill 37

HALIFAX, April 4, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor National President Jerry Dias will lead a march to protest Bill 37 on Friday, April 4 in Halifax. Dias, with a group of activists from across the Atlantic Provinces, will march to speak out against the anti-worker legislation.

Unifor campaign escalates

KITCHENER, ON, April 3, 2014 /CNW/ - Today Unifor announced it will escalate its campaign to unionize Toyota.

Unifor announced that while it is withdrawing its Labour Board application to become the bargaining agent for team members at Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada, the labour union remains committed to working with Toyota team members to form a union and improve working conditions at the company.

Action needed for young workers

Unifor is calling on the federal government to take strong action to help young people facing and increasingly difficult job market that...

Strike vote looms as RA Centre employees reject final offer

OTTAWA, April 3, 2014 /CNW/ - Employees of the RA Centre have voted 95 per cent to reject their employer's latest contract offer, after it asked the Ontario Ministry of Labour to force a vote. Unifor says a strike vote will be conducted soon, and employees could be in a strike position as early as April 10, 2014.

Unifor represents two groups of employees at Ottawa's RA Centre.

Volume 2, No. 1

Ergonomics, Fact sheets on how to protect yourself at work, Web-based resources, and more!

Unifor inaugural Atlantic Regional Council convenes in Halifax

HALIFAX, April 2, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor local leaders and activists from across the Atlantic Provinces will gather at the World Trade and Convention Centre in Halifax from April 3 to 6 to meet as a regional council for the first time since the formation of the union. Over 250 delegates will meet to strategize about campaigns and elect their Atlantic Executive Board and committees.

Unifor outlines vision for collective bargaining with Toyota

CAMBRIDGE, ON, April 1, 2014 /CNW/ - Today, Unifor released a "Charter" outlining the changes Toyota team members want at their workplace - and how Unifor would address team members' primary concerns.

Yesterday, Unifor announced that it has applied to be the bargaining agent for team members at Toyota. Team members will likely vote next week.

We’re trying to unionize at Toyota!

I’m writing with some exciting news: this morning Unifor applied to be the union representing workers at Toyota’s three Canadian assembly plants...