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Vancouver truckers vote 100% in favour of a strike

Members of Unifor-Vancouver Container Truckers’ Association (VCTA) voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action this morning. Truckers cited a lack of progress at the bargaining table for taking the vote.

Unifor: Canada Job Grants deal overdue

OTTAWA, Feb. 28, 2014 /CNW/ - Word that provinces will not have to cut existing job training programs to access the federal government's Canada Job Grant program is a welcome step forward, Canada's largest union in the private sector says.

"We need more job programs so that our youth can get a start in life, not fewer, and we certainly don't need one program cannibalizing one another," Unifor National President Jerry Dias said.

Heinz deal highlights positive role of government

TORONTO, Feb. 27, 2014 /CNW/ - Today's announcement that more than a third of the jobs at the Heinz plant in Leamington, Ontario, will be saved shows what can happen when all stakeholders work together - and the positive role government can play in securing good jobs, Unifor National President Jerry Dias says.

Chinese-Canadian journalists and Unifor condemn violence against Hong Kong press freedom advocates

TORONTO, Feb. 26, 2014 /CNW/ - Staff at Ming Pao Daily Toronto and their union, Unifor, are horrified by the savage daylight stabbing of a respected Hong Kong journalist, seen by many as a leading advocate of press freedom and democracy.

"Attacks on members of the press in Hong Kong have been increasing," said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. "The violence has to stop."

Vancouver truckers' union to take strike vote

VANCOUVER, Feb. 26, 2014 /CNW/ - BC's largest union representing container truckers will be holding a strike vote on Saturday, March 1. Members of Unifor-Vancouver Container Truckers' Association (VCTA) are fed up with a lack of progress at the bargaining table and government inaction that is costing truckers money.

Truckers resort to work stoppage and protest to get government action

VANCOUVER, Feb. 26, 2014 /CNW/ - Hundreds of truckers from across the BC's Lower Mainland will undertake a work stoppage and protest today demand action on issues ranging from waiting times to pay-rate enforcement. According to BC's largest union representing container truckers, if governments and the Port Authority don't develop firm commitments to begin addressing the truckers' concerns, the work stoppage could escalate.

Hudak fails to understand importance of investing in Ontario economy

TORONTO, Feb. 25, 2014 /CNW/ - Every serious political leader around the world understands that countries need to invest in their manufacturing sectors to ensure the success of those sectors - except Tim Hudak, leader of Ontario's Progressive Conservatives.

Unifor Rights at Work Leadership Tour comes to Moncton, Halifax and St. John's

HALIFAX, Feb. 24, 2014 /CNW/ - Canada's largest union in the private sector will be continuing its leadership tour with events this week in the Atlantic region as part of its preparations for a nationwide campaign to defend the rights of Canadians in the workplace. Media are welcome at the meetings to get a sneak peak at Unifor's Rights at Work campaign and to talk to the union's top leadership and research staff about these issues.

Hudak still has plenty of bad ideas

TORONTO, Feb. 21, 2014 /CNW/ - The surprise announcement from Tim Hudak this morning that his Ontario Progressive Conservative party is dropping its plan to kill the Rand formula in the province is welcome, but his many other threats to working people continue and will not be tolerated, Unifor National President Jerry Dias says.

United Airlines layoffs unacceptable

TORONTO, Feb. 20, 2014 /CNW/ - The layoffs and contracting out announced by United Airlines at airports across Canada today are unacceptable and need to be reversed, Unifor National President Jerry Dias says.

"This is a devastating blow to an experienced workforce that has a proven record of performing their duties to the highest standards," Dias said.