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Unifor’s support for U of T’s investigative journalism program continues to produce powerful storytelling

At a time when the Canadian media sector faces job cuts, news deserts and a struggle for supports to save local news, Unifor is proud to fund the Investigative Journalism Bureau at the University of Toronto and welcomes the work of its two interns in this year’s summer program.

“Our union is thrilled to support the next generation of journalists,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. 

Budget 2024 announces concerning plans to potentially privatize Canada’s airports

With Budget 2024, the federal government has, once again, opened the door for airport privatization and profitization in Canada. 

Overall, while Unifor was pleased to see this year’s federal budget build upon the social fabric Canada needs, the union is disappointed that Budget 2024 has advanced the possibility of airport privatization or for-profit transformation of Canada’s airport system.

Unifor members vote overwhelmingly in favor of a strike mandate at SOPFEU

QUEBEC-Firefighters working for the Société de protection des forêts contre le feu (SOPFEU) across Quebec have voted 99% in favour of a strike as negotiations have stagnated since their previous contract expired on January 1, 2023.

SOPFEU forest firefighters negotiated non-monetary language in individual local negotiations which concluded in February 2024, and then all six local unions bargained as one unit to negotiate wages, meeting with the employer over the course of a dozen days. 

Unifor supports students and teachers in struggle against Scott Moe

REGINA—The Scott Moe government’s refusal to address class size and complexity in public schools is more evidence that it’s time for change, says Unifor.

“Unifor stands with Saskatchewan’s teachers in their fight for justice and a fair collective agreement,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “Teachers are trying their best to improve the public education in Saskatchewan, but the Sask Party government refuses to invest in public schools.”

Unifor celebrates Paramedic Services Week 2024

Unifor proudly honours the relentless and unwavering commitment of paramedics to mark Paramedic Services Week from May 19 to May 25. 

 This year’s theme, "Help Us, Help You", focuses on sharing tips on how community members can best support paramedics and other emergency services personnel in the event of an emergency. By working together, community members and first responders can help build a safe and healthy community.

Unifor denounces Rayonier’s abandonment of Témiscaming and lack of response from Quebec government

Témiscaming– Unifor is expressing its consternation following the press release published on May 7 by Rayonier Advanced Materials (RYAM), justifying the suspension of its activities at its cellulose plant in Témiscaming, Quebec. RYAM acknowledged that this decision is about demonstrating, among other things, that the site and its various processes can be operated separately with the goal of facilitating its bid to sell the business, which the company initiated last fall.

Prairie Council celebrates recent successes and sets sights on Saskatchewan election

During May 1–3 Unifor Prairie Regional Council delegates took stock of the region’s work over the last 12 months and strategized about the year ahead.

Performers and an elder from the Kahkewistahaw First Nation welcomed delegates to Regina, located on Treaty 4 territory, the traditional land of the Cree, Saulteaux, Dakota, Lakota, and Nakoda, and the homeland of the Métis.

Pride Material Order Form

Unifor is proud to announce that Pride 2024 materials are now available for ordering to all locals. 

RailLine Volume 11 – Issue 14

Unifor reaches a tentative agreement with CNTL, averting strike action

Unifor has reached a tentative settlement with CN Transportation Ltd. (CNTL) on a new four-year collective agreement. 

The union’s bargaining committee opened negotiations with CNTL on November 13, 2023 in Brampton. The first tentative settlement was rejected by a slim vote of 52% during ratification meetings held from January 23 to February 2.

Unifor Local 31-X and town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands ratify historic contract

Unifor Local 31-X has ratified a transformative four-year contract with the town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands. 

"We are amazed and excited for this new agreement,” said Connie Still, Unit Chair of Unifor Local 31-X. “Members and their families have been struggling to make ends meet and the economics negotiated in this contract will certainly bring some relief. I am proud of our team and to be represented by Unifor."

Nominate a Member for the Bud Jimmerfield Award

Dear Members,

Nominations are now open for the annual Unifor Bud Jimmerfield Award and we want you to tell us about a Unifor member who deserves recognition for their work in making workplaces safer.

“Don't mourn my death, fight for the living.”

This is the challenge that Bud Jimmerfield passed on to all Unifor members prior to his death, following years of exposure to cancer-causing chemicals in his workplace.

Federal Budget investment in passenger rail supports Unifor’s rail service vision

The latest federal budget includes significant investments in VIA Rail, supporting Unifor’s Get Canada Back on Track campaign efforts to expand and sustain Canada's national passenger rail services.

“This budget’s commitment to VIA Rail operations funding is a win for every member who has voiced the need for reliable and expansive rail services,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “It’s a clear result of Unifor’s relentless advocacy under our ‘Get Canada Back on Track’ campaign.”

Nestle workers go on strike after bitter pensions offer from employer

TORONTO—Workers at Nestle have decided to strike over a lack of improvements to their pension plan. Also at issue is the time it takes workers to get to the top rate of pay.

“Nestle workers in the past have gone on strike over pension contributions and again, it’s at the crux of this dispute,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “Retirement security is very important to our members, and you throw an affordability crisis on top of that, and it’s no wonder our members are determined to fight here.”

Unifor members at Martin Brower ratify new three-year contract

Unifor Local 1285 members at Martin Brower, who are warehouse workers and transportation drivers, have ratified a deal that includes a 22 per cent wage increase over the life of the agreement, job security protections, and pension and vacation improvements. 

Forced overtime, pensions and benefits at WM leads to strike

STONEY CREEK—Unifor members working at Waste Management Canada Corp. (WM) began strike action on May 2, 2024. Major issues with the employer include forced overtime and lack of work-life-balance.

“Our dedicated members handle the tough job of ensuring commercial businesses have their garbage and recycling collected and removed in a safety-sensitive environment,” said Local 4268 President Debbie Montgomery.

Respecting the right to assemble and protest on Canadian university campuses

To: University of Toronto; McGill University
Concordia University; University of Ottawa
University of British Colombia; University of Victoria
Vancouver Island University; McMaster University

To University Administrators:

RE: Respecting the right to assemble and protest on Canadian university campuses

Unifor's 20th Quebec Council: a call for solidarity for temporary foreign workers

Montreal vibrated to the rhythm of solidarity and mobilization at Unifor's bi-annual Quebec Council, held April 24 to 26, With a focus on issues faced by temporary foreign workers, the event was marked by fiery speeches, fruitful exchanges and a shared determination to defend the rights of those who are often in a vulnerable position.

CANSA prepares for end of cooling off period

The Canadian Air Navigation Specialists Association (CANSA) at Unifor Local 1016 is preparing for the end of the 21-day cooling off period – during which no strike or lockout can take place – with employer NAV Canada on May 3, 2024, just before midnight.

“The support and solidarity our members have shown over the last 300 days they have been without a contract speaks volumes which cannot be ignored by NAV Canada,” said James Walker, President of CANSA and Unifor Local 1016.

Unifor celebrates National Nursing Week 2024: Changing Lives; Shaping Tomorrow

During National Nursing Week, May 6-12, 2024, Unifor proudly honours the dedication and unwavering commitment of Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) across Canada. Unifor represents 4,000 Registered or Licensed Practical Nurses and Registered Nurses who work in hospitals, private and municipal long-term care homes.

This year’s theme, "Changing Lives. Shaping Tomorrow." reflects the pivotal role these professionals play in transforming health care and crafting the future of patient care.

Local 530-A members begin mobilization for bargaining

More than 100 Unifor Local 530-A members turned out April 24 to leaflet the gates of their workplace at the Shell Scotford facility in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta. The energy workers are raising the profile of wage gaps between their facility and Shell Scotford's competitors.

“Implementing the gains from the national pattern agreement is a top priority for Unifor,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “Whatever efforts the members at Shell Scotford undertake to secure the pattern, they have the full support of Unifor.”

Unifor Open Letter to BCE Inc. Shareholders

On behalf of Unifor members, including more than 19,000 telecommunications workers at BCE and its subsidiaries, and more than 2,100 members at Bell Media, we are reaching out ahead of BCE’s 2024 annual general shareholder meeting on May 2.

The hard work and expertise of our members have made BCE a successful and profitable company and shareholders have been among the beneficiaries of this success.