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Canada Day and Reconciliation

Dear Sisters, Brothers and Friends,

This has been a National Indigenous History Month like no other. The June 24 announcement of the confirmation of the remains of 751 children at the former residential school site on Cowessess territory in Saskatchewan has further amplified the calls for searches at other sites across the country.

Unifor locals are asking what they can do to support grieving members and nearby Indigenous communities.

Indigenous workers during the COVID-19 crisis

As Unifor marks National Indigenous Peoples Day and we come together to celebrate the heritage and history of the first peoples of this land, our thoughts turn to the continuing barriers that Indigenous people face in Canada due to structural racism and the violent and ongoing legacies of settler colonialism.

Information Bulletin #18

Sisters and Brothers,

After several months of intensive and rigorous negotiations, we have reached yet another impasse. Bargaining resumed on May 18th, as the Company had requested an extension to the conciliation process. As such, we continued to bargain these past four weeks with your priorities in mind.

National Update #5

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Congratulations! We are happy to report that you, the membership of Unifor Loomis (Locals 114, 4050, 755, 4457 and 4005) have ratified the one year agreement (April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022) by secret ballot conducted over the period of June 12th to June 19th, 2021.

National Indigenous Peoples’ Day Statement

While we celebrate the strength, brilliance and diversity of the cultures of First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples this National Indigenous Peoples Day, Unifor is committed to using its bargaining power, mobilizing power and political power to bring about transformative change.

Unifor takes its lead from the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, tabled in 2015. The Commission’s action plan is a clear guide for all levels of government to implement policies that will help address the injustices of colonialism and cultural genocide in Canada.

Unifor begins radio ads for Reliance boycott campaign

BURLINGTON—At a rally held outside Reliance Home Comfort’s headquarters, Unifor announced new radio ads promoting the union’s ongoing boycott of the Ontario HVAC company.

“Reliance has locked out front-line COVID heroes and they’re using scabs to cross our picket lines. This unethical company can expect escalating actions in the coming weeks,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

CFRB staff ratify first contract

Producers and technicians at Toronto radio station CFRB-AM Newstalk 1010 have ratified their first collective agreement.

Rally in support of locked out Reliance Home Comfort workers

June 16, 2021

BURLINGTON—Unifor members will rally at Reliance Home Comfort headquarters to demand the employer end the month-long lock out of 800 workers.

"We are escalating the campaign to encourage customers take their business elsewhere as long as this greedy employer refuses to come to negotiate an end to this lockout," said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

Unifor launched a province-wide boycott last week and will begin radio ads promoting the boycott this week.

It’s time to flip the script on Employment Insurance

Canada’s social safety net - including Employment Insurance – has been dismantled bit by bit as part of a deliberate restructuring of our economy to suit the needs of business, not workers.

It was a failed experiment, and needs to be reversed.

There was a philosophical and ideological shift over a generation that put individualism first and foremost - a belief in working strictly for wages, rather than passion or principle, and shamed anything that looked like getting something for nothing.

Harrowing stories told on Gaza webinar

Unifor members on a recent webinar heard harrowing stories about life in Gaza for Palestinians denied clean drinking water and facing delays in basic

Unifor to rally to save the Terra Nova

ST. JOHN’S—Supporters of the offshore oil and gas industry will hold a demonstration at the provincial legislature to demand the Furey government make a commitment to the Terra Nova.

“Building and maintaining the energy industry requires coordination and investment from all levels of government,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Premier Andrew Furey’s proposal to simply walk away is a slap in the face to the province’s energy sector and the thousands of families it helps support.”

Unifor welcomes B.C. compulsory trades certification

VANCOUVER—Skilled trades workers received a boost from the Horgan government today with the announcement that the province will re-introduce compulsory certification for ten trades, says Unifor.

“The compulsory certification of skilled trades will help keep job sites safer and make the trades more attractive to young people,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. “We look forward to working with the government to see more trades added to this initial list of ten.”