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Ontario government PSW regulation short on details raises more questions than answers and absent urgent support workers need today

Unions representing 175,000 workers serving on the frontlines of this pandemic re-iterate demand that the Ford government support workers

TORONTO, ON – Today, SEIU Healthcare, Unifor, and CUPE, unions representing 175,000 healthcare workers across Ontario, are concerned that the Ford government in Ontario has introduced a Bill to regulate personal support workers (PSWs) without also providing the urgent supports they need right now as they continue to fight the pandemic.

Unifor stands in solidarity with the dock workers at the Port of Montreal, members of CUPE 375

The 1,100 workers have been without a collective agreement since December 2018.

Unifor is warning the federal government that back-to-work legislation is contrary to the principles of fair and free collective bargaining. Legislation of this nature always gives the employer the upper hand, and Unifor calls on the Maritime Employers Association (MEA) to return to the bargaining table and negotiate with the workers and their union.

Update on global union movement campaigns

The global pandemic and its impact on workers lives and livelihoods, the urgency to organize for a better world, and vaccine equity dominated discussi

Day of Mourning 2021

On April 28, our heart-felt condolences are extended for the tragic loss of life occurring across the country due to workplace injury and occupational disease, especially during the heightened safety concerns of this COVID-19 pandemic.

We remember:

Leonard Rodriques, Local 40             Mike Patterson, Local 2002

Edward Norman, FFAW                     Sheila Yakovishin, Local 2458

Scott Norman, FFAW                         John Copsey, Local M1

Jody Norman, FFAW                          Gérald Lévesque, Local 81

Paid time off for COVID-19 vaccination Alberta

The Honourable Jason Kenney, P.C., M.L.A.
Premier of Alberta

Dear Premier,
Unifor represents hundreds of thousands of members across the country, including countless heroes on the frontlines of the pandemic, some of whom have tragically succumbed to COVID-19. We understand firsthand how important it is to accelerate current vaccination efforts to protect Canadian workers and place our economy back on solid footing. Paid vaccine leave must be a part of the equation if we are to overcome this pandemic as soon as possible.

Paid time off for COVID-19 vaccination British Columbia

The Honourable John Horgan, P.C., M.L.A.
Premier of British Columbia

Dear Premier,
Unifor represents hundreds of thousands of members across the country, including countless heroes on the frontlines of the pandemic, some of whom have tragically succumbed to COVID-19. We understand firsthand how important it is to accelerate current vaccination efforts to protect Canadian workers and place our economy back on solid footing. Paid vaccine leave must be a part of the equation if we are to overcome this pandemic as soon as possible.

Paid time off for COVID-19 vaccination Manitoba

The Honourable Brian Pallister, M.L.A.
Premier of Manitoba

Dear Premier,

Unifor represents hundreds of thousands of members across the country, including countless heroes on the frontlines of the pandemic, some of whom have tragically succumbed to COVID-19. We understand firsthand how important it is to accelerate current vaccination efforts to protect Canadian workers and place our economy back on solid footing. Paid vaccine leave must be a part of the equation if we are to overcome this pandemic as soon as possible.

Paid time off for COVID-19 vaccination New Brunswick

The Honourable Blaine Higgs, M.L.A. 
Premier of New Brunswick

Dear Premier,

Unifor represents hundreds of thousands of members across the country, including countless heroes on the frontlines of the pandemic, some of whom have tragically succumbed to COVID-19. We understand firsthand how important it is to accelerate current vaccination efforts to protect Canadian workers and place our economy back on solid footing. Paid vaccine leave must be a part of the equation if we are to overcome this pandemic as soon as possible.

Paid time off for COVID-19 vaccination Newfoundland and Labrador

The Honourable Andrew Furey, M.H.A., F.R.C.S.C.
Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador

Dear Premier,

Unifor represents hundreds of thousands of members across the country, including countless heroes on the frontlines of the pandemic, some of whom have tragically succumbed to COVID-19. We understand firsthand how important it is to accelerate current vaccination efforts to protect Canadian workers and place our economy back on solid footing. Paid vaccine leave must be a part of the equation if we are to overcome this pandemic as soon as possible.

Paid time off for COVID-19 vaccination Nova Scotia

The Honourable Iain Rankin, M.L.A.
Premier of Nova Scotia

Dear Premier,

Unifor represents hundreds of thousands of members across the country, including countless heroes on the frontlines of the pandemic, some of whom have tragically succumbed to COVID-19. We understand firsthand how important it is to accelerate current vaccination efforts to protect Canadian workers and place our economy back on solid footing. Paid vaccine leave must be a part of the equation if we are to overcome this pandemic as soon as possible.

Brian Pallister stands alone as last paid vaccination leave holdout in the west

WINNIPEG—Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister’s refusal to ensure workers can get vaccinated at no cost to them is callous and endangers the province’s most vulnerable, says Unifor.

“It makes no sense for Brian Pallister to drag his feet on vaccinating Manitobans,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Paid vaccination leave should be considered the bare minimum and Brian Pallister won’t even do that.”

PPWC and Unifor stand united in upcoming pulp and paper talks

April 22, 2019

PRINCE GEORGE-Two of the country’s largest pulp and paper unions, Unifor and the Public and Private Workers of Canada (PPWC), have agreed to continue to work together in the next round of pulp and paper bargaining for members across Western Canada.

“There is strength in unity, and with both of our caucus’s working jointly we will be ready to look after the best interests of our members,” said Gary Fiege, PPWC President.

Earth Day 2021

On April 22 we celebrate Earth Day.

This year, we mark Earth Day in a context where the COVID-19 pandemic continues to create an unfair burden on working people all over the world. As a trade union, we know all too well that the devastating impact of COVID-19 on the lives, livelihoods and well-being of working people in Canada and abroad. Similarly, the climate crisis, and our society's failure to plan for it, will result in a disproportionate weight on working people, especially racialized communities and their families.

Aggressive tactics from CNRL won’t resolve Chetwynd dispute, says Unifor

CHETWYND—Multinational energy company CNRL is trying to bully its way into concluding a legal strike by Unifor Local 449, says Unifor.

“The energy workers in Chetwynd deserve the wage and benefits pattern that has been bargained industry-wide,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “CNRL must pay its fair share.”

B.C. government must do more to stop COVID-19 says Unifor

VANCOUVER—The continued resistance by the Horgan government to legislate paid sick days represents a serious gap in the province’s strategy to stop the spread of the coronavirus, says Unifor.

“The B.C. government must pull out all the stops to protect public health. Employer-paid sick days is a key policy tool to let workers stay home if they’re sick,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “We need bold leadership in Victoria who is willing to stand up to a handful of business lobbyists in the name of public health.”