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Unifor Response to the Consultation on Strengthening Federally Regulated Pension Plans

Unifor is pleased to offer the following comments to the Department of Finance in response to the consultations on potential solvency funding relief options for 2021 and further measures to strengthen the framework for federally regulated pension plans as set out in the consultation paper, Consultation on Strengthening Federally Regulated Pension Plans.

Why Canada needs a Federal Low-Wage Commission

While we continue to wait on the federal government’s belated promise to implement a $15 federal minimum wage, questions often arise as to how future rate increases should be handled. While the government has identified wage increases based on the rate of inflation as a possible way forward, other metrics, such as using the median hourly wage, proposed in U.S.

Aerospace workers call for industry-wide COVID-19 recovery plan

January 25, 2021

TORONTO—Today, Unifor’s Aerospace Industry Council released a new policy paper urging the federal government to immediately implement a substantial recovery plan for the sector in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic’s devastating economic effects.

National Update #1

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Our current collective agreement is set to expire on March 31, 2021. If we do not have a new collective agreement on that date then the current agreement remains in full force and affect while we continue to bargain. 

We have been working with the various provincial local unions to finalize both the provincial and national proposals in order to enter into bargaining with the company. We have also had preliminary discussion with the company on when, and how to safely convene bargaining.

Vigil held for COVID heroes

Unifor members from across Canada gathered online Thursday to honour workers who have died in the pandemic, including three from Unifor.

Airlines and unions urge cooperation as federal government considers potential new measure to reduce air travel

Flights and passenger traffic have already dropped by 90% from pre-pandemic levels

Government should consider science and data and consult with industry and unions before further action to avoid unintended consequences

January 22, 2021/OTTAWA – Canada’s largest airline industry association and the unions representing more than 325,000 Canadian workers today urged the federal government to consult with them before it enacts new measures to reduce travel.

Information Bulletin #6

Sisters and Brothers,

Negotiations with the company have continued via Zoom for the past two weeks. Despite the challenges related to COVID, discussions are advancing at an adequate pace. We are working hard to reach a negotiated agreement. Thank you for your support, it is of the utmost importance. Your committee will keep you informed of future developments.

In Solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee

Crosbie’s full time jobs pitch misses the mark

January 20, 2021

St. John’s – The Newfoundland and Labrador PC Party says the province needs more full time jobs, but their payroll tax cut plan will do more harm than good says Unifor.

RailLine Volume 8, Issue 2 - Bargaining Update


This week, Unifor continues negotiations with VIA Rail over the major concessions tabled against Council 4000 members covered under Agreements 1 and 2. The Union bargained over the weekend in efforts to have the Corporation move off their estoppel notices and then open discussions on the economic proposals of both Council 4000 and Local 100 (Agreement 3).

Unifor members at CAMI ratify agreement with General Motors

Members of Unifor Local 88 who work at the CAMI Assembly Plant in Ingersoll, Ontario have voted to ratify a new agreement with General Motors that brings $1 billion in investments to begin large scale production of electric commercial delivery vans.

Electric commercial van production coming to CAMI Assembly if GM deal ratified

January 15, 2021 INGERSOLL—Unifor Local 88’s bargaining committee, representing 1,900 workers at the CAMI Assembly Plant in Ingersoll, Ontario has reached a tentative agreement with General Motors today. “This tentative deal delivers significant investment, new products, new jobs, and job security, achieving our union’s key bargaining priorities during these challenging times,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. General Motors has agreed to invest $1 billion dollars to begin large-scale commercial production of EV600, an all electric van, starting next year.

Ontario 2021 Budget Consultation Submission

Unifor is pleased to provide input into the 2021 provincial budget. We are continuing to recommend a dual strategy to keep Ontarians protected and build a better economy – budget 2020 made some small gains but largely missed the mark. Our members and all Ontarians deserve more.

Keep Ontarians Protected