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Sunwing joins other airlines applying for COVID-19 wage supplement

April 28, 2020

TORONTO-Sunwing becomes the third airline to apply for the Canada Emergency Wage Supplement (CEWS) in an effort to maintain as much of their workforce as possible.

"We're pleased to see more employers joining the effort to keep Canada's airlines working," said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. "Economic recovery is impossible without taking care of workers first."

COVID recovery must include a new vision for Canadian production

Jerry Dias, Unifor National President

Across this country, individual Canadians are pulling out their sewing machines to make surgical masks and donating them to local hospitals and grocery stores. Others are using their home 3D printers to make the parts for visors.

It’s heartwarming, inspiring and shows the power of a motivated community instinctively making sure their country is properly supplied by making for ourselves the things we need most.

It is that instinct we must all follow now as a country.

Relief as frontline workers in Ontario get $4 pandemic pay increase

TORONTO – After weeks of campaigning for a pandemic premium pay for frontline health care workers, Unifor leadership and members received today’s news from Premier Ford of a $4.00 per hour premium with tearful relief. “For years, long before this pandemic, we have fought for the recognition and respect frontline workers deserve, particularly in the struggling long-term care and retirement home sector,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “The pandemic has brought much needed attention to sectors that were in crisis already.

Energy workers still waiting for federal relief

By Gavin McGarrigle, Western Regional Director and Linda MacNeil, Atlantic Regional Director

The speed and depth of the economic downturn inflicted by the COVID-19 crisis has been unprecedented. The Canadian economy took a 9% hit to its gross domestic product in March 2020 and the labour market shed over a million jobs. The numbers for April and May are likely to be even worse.

Earth Day 2020

UE & Unifor call for urgent action for workers and the planet

As working people and representatives of trade unions, we join environmental activists in marking the 50th anniversary of Earth Day with alarm and concern for the future of our planet. The time to fight for immediate and bold climate action is now, but the needed economic transition will not take place without strong guarantees for worker rights and good jobs for all.

In Solidarity with Nova Scotia

A message on the April act of terror in Nova Scotia from Unifor leaders Jerry Dias, Lana Payne and Linda MacNeil.

Day of Mourning 2020 Statement

On April 28, Unifor joins workers across Canada to commemorate those injured or killed on the job. Collectively we are solemnly reminded that more needs to be done to protect the health and safety of workers – a particularly significant message during the crisis we face during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Translink layoffs risk harming essential service workers

Translink has moved ahead with issuing notice of hundreds of layoffs of front-line transit worker, potentially interfering in the ability of tens of thousands of essential service workers to get to their jobs, says Unifor.

Emergency Child Care For Essential Workers

April 20, 2020
Hon. Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario                     sent by e-mail: @email
Hon. Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education         sent by e-mail: @email


Dear Premier Ford & Minister Lecce,

Memo: Social Services Updates

Memo to Unifor members working in agencies providing violence against women residential services

This week, the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services issued a temporary order in the fight against COVID-19 that affects staff at Women’s Shelters and working in Crisis Line services.

The temporary order allows agencies in this sector to take steps to respond to, prevent and alleviate the outbreak of coronavirus and COVID-19 by carrying out measures such as:

Unifor says transit lay-offs unnecessary and reckless

VANCOUVER—Translink’s threats to cut to transit operator staffing levels, and therefore transit service, is an irresponsible move that would do more harm than good during the COVID-19 pandemic, says Unifor.

“Tens of thousands of essential services workers rely on transit to get to work,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Cutting transit service would make life even more difficult for working COVID-19 heroes, and ultimately the people they have been dutifully serving.”

Campaign Launched to Protect Frontline Healthcare Workers

A coalition of unions representing more than 40,000 health care workers is launching a new campaign today, asking Nova Scotians to call on government to sign an important protocol to provide proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to our province’s frontline healthcare workers.