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Unifor outraged at Regina Police denial of lawful picket

February 07, 2020 REGINA – Unifor is outraged at the actions of the Regina Police Service to deny lawful picketing by locked-out workers at Co-op Refinery. “Regina Police blocking access to picket locations at the bidding of Co-op Refinery is a clear violation of Charter rights,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. This morning Regina Police blocked access on Ninth Avenue North between McDonald and Winnipeg streets to all picketers while escorting Co-op trucks through to the refinery as uniformed officers checked the trucker’s names off lists at the barriers.

Schlegel long-term care workers speak about breakdown in negotiations

February 7, 2020

WINDSOR– Members of Unifor Local 2458 at Schlegel long-term care facilities will be available to speak to media with details on the breakdown in negotiations with the employer.

“The success of these negotiations must be the dignified care of long-term care residents through proper respect paid to the workers who provide them hands-on care each and every day – anything less than that is unacceptable,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. 

Members of the media are invited to attend the media availability:

Unifor 594 outlines plan to go back to work Monday

REGINA –Today Unifor outlined a path to immediately end the lockout at the Co-op Refinery and return Local 594 members back to work as early as Monday.

“The decision by Co-op Refinery to lock out its employees is hurting not just the workers but the people of Saskatchewan and Co-op could easily end it today,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Unifor is calling for the Saskatchewan government to agree to the appointment of a mediator with the power to implement a binding settlement. 

The path to end the lockout includes:

Unifor celebrates Black History Month 2020

February 1, 2020

Every February, Unifor celebrates Black History Month to honour the contributions Black Canadians have made and continue to make in our workplaces and communities.

Black History Month has been officially marked in Canada since 1995 following a motion introduced in the House of Commons by the first Black Canadian woman elected to parliament, the Honourable Jean Augustine. This month continues to provide an opportunity to reflect on the unique challenges facing Black communities and individuals.

VIA Rail Bargaining Update #4

Unifor continued its negotiations with Canada's national passenger rail provider, VIA Rail Canada, the week of January 28-31.  Both Unifor bargaining committees, National Council 4000 (1,600 members servicing Agreements 1 & 2) and Local 100 (600 members servicing Agreement 3), met with the Crown corporation last week in Montreal.

Both committees discussed a variety of work rule issues that cover the working conditions of our 2,200 Unifor members who work across Canada. Both committees report that talks to this point have been slow but constructive.

Talks break off between Unifor and Co-op

REGINA—Federated Co-operatives Limited’s newest refusal to bargain in good faith demonstrates a new level of company dishonesty, says Unifor.

“Saskatchewan workers have the right to stand up to greedy employers like this one— but Co-op continues to add new concessions to attack refinery workers,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Rogue Co-op executives never had any intention of bargaining- Premier Moe needs to wake up and show some leadership.”

Letter to Premier Scott Moe

To the Honourable Premier Scott Moe,

We are writing to request that you immediately order Federated Co-operatives Limited to participate in binding arbitration to end the labour dispute with Unifor local 594.

Saskatchewan’s workers are facing an unequal battle for a better future and a fair retirement. Nearly 800 families in Regina have been locked-out from their workplace since December 5, 2019 because Co-op refuses to negotiate with its employees.

Unifor to comment on stalled Co-op negotiations

REGINA—The union representing locked-out refinery workers will hold a media conference at 10 a.m. to report on the status of the protracted labour dispute.

 “We want a to find common ground for a fair contract, but Co-op has not moved off of the same insulting concessions first tabled last year,” said Scott Doherty, Executive Assistant to the National President and lead negotiator.

Members of the media are invited to attend the media availability:

What: Media Availability

Helping workers means more than money for severance and tuition

Today is a heartbreaking day for forestry workers in Nova Scotia and a shameful reminder of the disregard Premier Stephen McNeil has for working people.

A skeleton crew will stay at Northern Pulp until April 21 to winterize the facility. The rest of the 230 Unifor members at Northern Pulp walked through the mill’s gates for the last time today, leaving behind long-held careers, the certainty of good family-supporting jobs in their hometown, and the promise of a dignified retirement with a good union pension.

Unifor members ratify agreement with Grand River Transit

January 30, 2020 KITCHENER – Unifor Local 4304 members working at Grand River Transit have ratified a new collective agreement with the transit service, bringing strike action to an end. “Unifor is the union for transit workers in Canada, and this collective agreement shows that we can negotiate the contracts that best address the needs of transit workers,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “Our bargaining committee was committed to addressing the priorities of members leading into this set of negotiations, and that is reflected in the results.

Unifor offers to abide by injunction to get back to bargaining table

REGINA—Unifor agreed to comply with the injunction concerning the Co-op Refinery picket line if Federated Co-operatives Limited returns to the bargaining table and bargains with the union in good faith.

“In a statement today, FCL said that it was willing to bargain if the union abides by the injunction. If Co-op agrees to meet with us at the table at 10 a.m. on January 30 then we will abide by the order at that time. We want a deal,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

Jerry Dias to respond to Co-op FCL’s latest excuse to avoid bargaining

January 29, 2020

REGINA—Unifor National President Jerry Dias will give an update to media at 4:30 p.m., responding to Federated Cooperatives Limited (FCL) recent statements concerning the now 55-day lockout.

Nearly 800 highly skilled members of Unifor Local 594 remain locked out from the Co-op Refinery after refusing to accept major concessions. 

Members of the media are invited to attend the media availability:

What:                  Media Availability 

Unifor applauds recommendation for regulation of internet TV

Unifor applauds the call to require internet TV services that access the Canadian market to support Canadian content, as recommended in the final report of the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Legislative Review Panel (BTLRP).

The fight for Co-op Refinery workers is everyone’s fight

Last week I witnessed something I have not seen in my 40 years walking picket lines across Canada. Never before have I seen a police force conduct itself with such disrespect for working peoples’ rights and disregard for their basic role as peace officers. 

Regina’s Chief of Police ordered more than 70 police officers to intimidate, harass, and dismantle by force a lawful picket line and a peaceful assembly of hundreds of Unifor picketers and their supporters. 

Unifor and GRT reach new tentative agreement

January 28, 2020 WATERLOO REGION – Unifor Local 4304 and Grand River Transit (GRT) have reached a new tentative collective agreement, following more than a week of strike action at the transit utility. “On the line, and throughout bargaining, members were united in their call to improve safety and working conditions. That message was clearly heard,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Unifor supports request for Northern Pulp decision Supreme Court review

January 23, 2020

HALIFAX – Unifor has joined with Northern Pulp and nine individuals representing the broader forestry industry in a request for judicial review filed today in Nova Scotia Supreme Court.  The application seeks a review of Nova Scotia Environment’s (NSE) December 17, 2019 decision regarding Northern Pulp’s proposed effluent treatment facility (ETF) project.