
We are pleased to announce that B.C. Regional Council will be held in person November 29 - December 1 2024, in Whistler, B.C.
Registration for BCRC will be done entirely through our online registration system. Delegate entitlement information will be sent to Local Presidents in a separate email. If you encounter any difficulties with your log-in, please contact for assistance.
We look forward to seeing members from across B.C. in Whistler to celebrate the strength and solidarity of our union.
Elections for the remainder of the 3 (three) year term will be held for the following positions:
- Secretary Treasurer (1)
- Women’s Standing Committee (1)
Vacant positions for the Equity Standing Committees will be filled by peer election during their
designated equity caucus. Please refer to your council agenda at registration for caucus times and
dates. For information on duties related to Council Executive officers and Standing Committee
positions, please refer to your BC Regional Council Bylaws.
BC Regional Council Resolution Template