Unifor Regional Directors: Support the Women's Strike to protect reproductive freedom

Monday, June 24
Main Image
Three people standing at the bottom of a staircase outside

On June 24, 2022 Roe v. Wade was overturned in the United States of America. This sent a chill through women in Canada, who were shaken by what this would mean for our American sisters and everyone across the country was very worried about what could happen to our rights here in Canada.

Women in Unifor began to mobilize immediately behind the scenes and at the mics in our regional councils across the country. Regional Directors introduced recommendations that were passed at every single council to create a national campaign that received unanimous support. 

The national campaign launched in June 2023 at the Atlantic Regional Council and a year later we are now seeing a women’s strike being organized across Canada to  once again to stand in solidarity with our American sisters, but also to ensure that our rights are protected here at home. 

Many people feel that we are safe here in Canada, but recent moves by Conservative politicians give us pause and concern. In Spring 2023, Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall  introduced another piece of anti-choice legislation. When it came time to vote - every single Conservative, including Pierre Poilievre, voted to support violating our rights. This led to the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada naming every single current conservative member of Parliament as anti-choice. 

We have heard many people say that Conservatives are pro-choice, but their voting record shows us otherwise and if we have learned anything it is that their voting record is what we can believe. What matters most isn’t what politicians say- it’s how they vote. 

On June 24, 2024, there is a women’s strike that is happening globally in solidarity with everyone in the United States. For the past two years, we have been watching in horror at what has been happening state by state as rights have been rolled back to very extreme measures. 

The Women’s Strike has come to Canada in a big way with a grassroots initiative that has jumped into action with organizers setting up marches, rallies and strike actions in cities and towns all across our country on June 24. 

They have created a website womensstrikecanada.ca. Please visit to find your local action and find a way to join them to show support.

NOTE that this is not a Unifor strike action and members should report for scheduled shifts and abide by the conditions of their collective agreement.

If you don’t see an event listed in your area, you are certainly welcome to become an organizer. We would love to see our members out there supporting this grassroots important effort, which is about ensuring that abortion remains healthcare in Canada with equal delivery and access to all.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at @email.