Unifor’s 7 top videos of 2017


Throughout 2017, members told their stories through moving and persuasive videos. These helped push forward our collective goals of building more inclusive and progressive communities while defending good jobs for all.

We’re counting down the top 7 videos of the year, starting off with a call to support journalism.

7. News and Canadian Content in the Digital Age

This year has been devastating to local news and journalism in Canada. From the recent closure of Torstar and Postmedia papers, to the loss of local television programming and the shuttering of old papers like the (name), American tech giants continue to dominate our news feeds while local coverage suffers.

What can you do? Add your story here for why you support local news. www.mediaactionplan.ca/stories


6. Remembering Bob White

Bob White was a true working class hero. Founder and President of the CAW until he was elected president of the Canadian Labour Congress in 1992, he championed fairness for Canadian workers around the world. Please join Bob’s family, and his labour movement family, to celebrate his life, his fearless leadership and his relentless commitment to social justice.

He is deeply missed by the entire Unifor family.

Unifor locals are coming together in January 2018 in various cities to participate in the walk for Alzheimer’s research. You can support them at the link below or get more information to enter your own team.



5. My Unifor Includes Me

Just after hearing the results of Unifor’s Equity Audit, members at the Unifor Pride Conference bravely shared experiences of oppression and their hopes for a renewed and strengthened union. Their messages show a vision for a Unifor that truly is a union for everyone, and is more inclusive of members’ sexual and gender diversity.

Subscribe to Pride in Print to ensure that you hear the upcoming campaigns and advocacy work that 2SLGBTQIA+ members are taking on.


4. Bell, it’s Time

Clerical workers have been pushed around by Bell Canada for too long. After seeing 50% of their jobs outsourced or cut in the past 10 years, the nearly 5000 members of the clerical bargaining unit spread across Ontario and Quebec have united to say, “Bell, it’s time!”. Join them.



3. D-J Composites Locks out Canadian Workers

The year-long lock-out of workers at D-J Composites in Newfoundland is shameful and it is inspiring. This video showed the deep solidarity that the 32 aerospace workers have, and the strength that they continue to show in the face of blatant union-busting. If this message resonates with you, you can support the local here, www.unifor.org/supportlocal597.


2. 6 Minute Challenge

If you set a new year’s resolution to only spend 6 minutes a day getting up and ready, chances are that it wouldn’t last long.

In Ontario, workers in long-term care only have 6 minutes to get a resident ready every single day, then they have to move on to the next person. Residents deserve more respect and better care, while the care providers deserve better working conditions. When you wake up tomorrow see if you could get ready in only 6 minutes. Take a photo of your progress and post it using #6minchallenge.  Join the call to mandate 4 hours of dedicated care every day.

1. The Goose that Lays Golden Eggs

Unifor’s “Stand up for your Crowns” campaign has been a highly-visible and effective effort to remind Saskatchewan residents of the incredible value delivered by the Crowns. The campaign has also focused on calling attention to the Wall government’s broken election promise to not privatize the province’s public utilities.

Stand up for your Crowns involved mobilizing members to protest, lobby, sign a petition at myCrowns.ca and encouraged widespread sharing on social media networks.  As a result of this work, the provincial government back-tracked on their attempts to privatize, but have yet to repeal Bill 40 that makes the sell-offs possible.