Local Executive Board Training (LUEB) - ALUEB3


This 3-day course is for Executive Board members (President, Vice-President, Financial Secretary, Recording Secretary), Trustees, Sergeant-at-Arms, Retired Workers Chapter Representatives and Members at Large.

Having a local union executive equipped with the skills to do their work is important, but especially so as we take on some of the challenges currently facing Unifor members across the country.

In this 3-day course, we explore the duties and responsibilities of executive board members, consider various aspects of leadership and address membership involvement. We practice holding elections, executive board meetings and membership meetings.

This program uses new approaches to education that are designed to engage, challenge and motivate new and seasoned leadership styles. In-class discussions and workshops will compliment special presentations on key aspects of executive board duties.

Whether you’re a new or seasoned local union executive board member, this course will provide an opportunity to learn more about your role and responsibilities, connect and share experiences with leadership from across the country – don’t miss this unique opportunity!


Program Duration
3 days
Program Type
Area School