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Local Union Finances - ALUF2

2 days

The Local Union Finances course provides local union finance officers (financial secretary, secretary-treasurer, or trustees) with the information, tools and resources necessary to do their work effectively.

Area School


Mental Health Matters - AMHM1

1 day

This is an important program for union representatives and local union officers who want to learn how to support and represent members who are dealing with mental illness, including addiction.

Area School


Public Speaking - APS1

1 day

If you are reluctant to speak up at membership meetings, you find it awkward to start a conversation with a co-worker about an issue of interest in your workplace, or you wonder how others appear so able and comfortable to

Area School


Women Activists - AWA3

3 days

The Unifor Women Activists program provides women with the tools to organize, hold ground on the gains we have made, and push forward to build a movement for women’s economic and social equality.

Area School

Workers’ Compensation - Ontario - AWSIB3

3 days

Need to know more about how to make a claim when injured at work by accident or by disease? How to protect an injured worker’s rights to compensation during the return to work phase? How to trouble-shoot a claim?

Area School