Guidelines for Local Union Reimbursement

2025 Guidelines for Local Union Reimbursement for Area Schools

The goal of Area Schools is to meet members in their home community, where they live and work (either in-person or online). Travel outside of a members’ home community is not covered by the National Area School Program, unless for special circumstances. In this case, a Local President can reach out to the department, in advance of registration for pre-approval. Please see details below.


Locals pay for their members up front and are reimbursed afterwards by the National.

All invoices must be received 6 months from the date of the course.

Please send us an invoice, with the following information:

  • Local Invoice Number (a unique number specific to the invoice);
  • Who to make the cheque out to and address to send it to;
  • The course name;
  • The course dates;
  • The course location;
  • The type of expense (i.e. wages, reimbursement for lunch, mileage, etc.) and how much for each member. Include totals for each item;
  • Total amount to be reimbursed to local;
  • All receipts and backup documents.

Please ensure that your reimbursement package includes all of the following documents:

  • The Local Invoice (see details above);
  • Wage backup receipts (paystub for dates of the course or employer spreadsheet if on wage continuance);
  • A copy of the Local's bylaws or expense policy for mileage reimbursement;
  • Please remember that the invoice must be signed;

Please submit your reimbursement package to


  1. In-Person and Online One-Day Courses

There is no cost sharing for wages for one-day in-person and online courses.

The National Union will cover the cost of the meeting room, materials and Discussion Leader for in-person and online courses.

Lunch is reimbursed at a rate of $20 per member per day for all IN-PERSON COURSES ONLY.


  1. In-Person Two-Day and Three-Day Courses

The National Union will cover the cost of the meeting room, materials and Discussion Leader.

The National Union will cover 50% of the participants lost time for only the days in which the course runs (this equals 2 or 3 full shifts).

Example: 3 days x 8 hours = 24 hours. The National Union cost share 50%, per participant, of this total amount. 

Lunch Reimbursement: 
We provide a $20 daily lunch reimbursement, per member. 

Example: $20 x 3 days = $60 per member for a 3-day course. 

Attendance at an Area School class is considered "work". As such, we encourage members to bring their lunch or go out for food within the time provided, as they would do at work.

If the Local Union by-laws permit payment of mileage (attach said by-law), the National Union will cover 50% of mileage cost up to 0.72 cents/km. If the Local does not pay mileage, no reimbursement will be paid.

Parking will be reimbursed at 50% up to the maximum of $20 per day (with receipts).


  1. Online Two-Day and Three-Day Courses

Two-day and three-day online courses will follow the same guidelines as two-day and three-day in-person courses but with no reimbursement for lunch, mileage or parking provided.

The National Union will cover 50% of the participants lost time for only the days in which the course runs (this equals 2 or 3 full shifts).

Example: 3 days x 8 hours = 24 hours. The National Union cost share 50%, per participant, of this total amount.


Pre-Approval for Travel and Accommodation

In the unlikely event that a member will need to travel outside of their home community to attend a course, a Local President can contact us ahead of registering their member to discuss a 50/50 cost share of per diem, travel (air, rail, ferry, bus, taxi) and accommodation.

For all advanced pre-approvals contact: Robin Fairchild Clennell, Education Director at @email.


For additional questions, please contact: @email