Proudly Unifor - Products and Services Directory
Alpha Court Non-Profit Housing Corporation
1500 Dease St, Thunder Bay
Thunder Bay, Ontario P7C 5H4
T: 807-623-2555
Local: 229
100 Anemki Drive, Suite 103
Fort William First Nation, Ontario P7J 1J4
T: 807-622-1121
Local: 229
Braing Injury Servics of Northern Ontario
426 Balmoral Street
Thunder Bay, Ontario P7C 5G8
T: 807-623-1188
Local: 229
Fort William Family Health Organization
1260 Golf Links Rd.
Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 0A1
T: 807-626-1234
Local: 229
George Jeffrey Children's Centre
200 Brock Street East
Thunder Bay, Ontario P7E 0A2
T: 807-623-4381
Local: 229
Ka-Na-Chi-Hih Treatment Centre
100 Anemki Drive, Suite 102
Fort William First Nation, Ontario P7J 1A5
Local: 229
Manitouwadge General Hospital
1 Health Care Crescent
Manitouwadge, Ontario P0T 2C0
T: 807-826-3251
Local: 229
North of Superior Healthcare Group
26 Peninsula Rd
Marathon, Ontario P0T 2E0
T: 807-229-1740
Local: 229
Northwest Community Care Access Centre
961 Alloy Drive
Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 5Z8
T: 807-345-7339
Local: 229