
Lana Payne’s message to Bell Canada Enterprises

“Bell has chosen to put profits over people in the middle of an affordability crisis. Bell, you have now put Unifor squarely on your path. You need to know our members recognize a fight when they see one. And so do I,” Unifor National President Lana Payne warns Bell Canada Enterprises following the termination of 4,800 workers, including 800 Unifor members in telecommunications and media. 

Bell axes workers while lining pockets of shareholders

TORONTO – Unifor is outraged about today’s announcement from Bell Canada Enterprises Inc. (BCE Inc.) to cut 4,800 jobs – 9% of its workforce – affecting 800 of the union’s members, while deliberately putting shareholders ahead of workers with increased dividend payouts.

Scott Moe is overseeing record job losses at SaskTel

SaskTel is a Crown corporation held in high regard for its customer service and province-wide coverage. Under the Scott Moe government, it has been experiencing a troubling trend: the gradual but steady contracting out of union jobs.

This shift, marked by a reduction of approximately 300 good jobs in the last four years—10% of the unionized workforce—poses a threat not just to workers but to the very ethos of what a Crown corporation represents in Saskatchewan.

Contracting out at SaskTel are not isolated incidents but part of a broader, worrying pattern under the Sask Party.

Change in benefit coverage contradicts Bell’s pledge to mental health support

Today, on Bell Let's Talk Day 2024, Unifor wrote to Bell Canada to address recent changes in mental health coverage at Bell Technical Solutions (BTS). Despite Bell Canada's commitment to mental health, the shift from Industrial Alliance to the Manulife Omni-flex plan at BTS has resulted in reduced mental health services for our members.

Unifor members ratify contract with Eastlink

Unifor telecommunications members at Eastlink, represented by Local 919-M in Nova Scotia, have voted in favour of a new collective agreement that includes wage increases over the next three years.

The contract provides a 4.3% wage increase in the first year, followed by a 4% raise in the second year. The third year allows for a 2% raise and includes a ‘me too’ clause that stipulates that if the bargaining unit in Halifax receives more, these members will see the same increase. Additionally, employees will receive a $4,500 signing bonus.

Expertech members rally to demand fair wages and job security from Bell Canada

More than 100 telecommunications members from Expertech gathered in Kingston, Ontario, on Tuesday, December 5, to demand fair wages, improved benefits, and an end to the persistent issue of contracting out at Bell Canada.

Despite the cold weather, the workers were determined to express their discontent with the lack of commitment and respect from Bell Canada. Participants marched from Confederation Park to Kingston Market Square Hotel, where collective bargaining with Bell is taking place. 

Telecommunications workers to rally to end outsourcing at Bell Canada

KINGSTON— Telecommunications workers from Expertech will converge in Kingston, Ontario, on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, rallying against Bell's sustained efforts in job erosion through practices such as offshoring and contracting out. The unified stand calls for full-time jobs, equitable wages and benefits that keep up with the pace of inflation.

Unifor members at Bell Sales ratify new collective agreement

A total of 220 Unifor members representing Local 6000 and 6001 in Quebec and Local 6007 in Ontario have voted in favour of a new collective agreement. This marks the conclusion of months of rigorous negotiations with Bell.

Negotiations commenced in the autumn of 2022 and reached an impasse, necessitating the support of a federal conciliation officer. The result of this mediation was a tentative agreement, which members voted to ratify on October 11, 2023.

Unifor hosts historic joint meetings to boost Telco workers' collective power

For the first time in nearly three decades, Unifor hosted joint strategy meetings at its national offices in Toronto and Montreal, on Sept. 12 and 14, bringing together members from Ontario and Quebec Bell Canada Craft, Bell Technical Services and Expertech.

The members discussed new ways of pooling expertise and resources to build impactful bargaining approaches with the aim to better serve Unifor’s collective membership.