
Sea to Sky transit operators reject employer’s latest offer

VANCOUVER—B.C. Transit’s third-party contractor PW Transit failed to make enough progress on wage parity, resulting in a membership-driven rejection of Friday’s tentative agreement, says Unifor.

“Members have the final say in adopting the contract that governs their working conditions,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. “Clearly the employer fell short in closing the gap that exists between transit workers doing the same job in Vancouver and the Sea to Sky region.”

Unifor and PW Transit to return to mediated talks

WHISTLER—Unifor and the employer have jointly agreed to resume negotiations with mediator Dave Schaub on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 to seek a resolution to the 14-week transit strike in the Sea to Sky corridor. 

“Transit workers have demonstrated incredible determination over the last three months,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. “We will enter these new negotiations in good faith and will continue to bargain for fair compensation.”

Loomis National Bargaining Update #8

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Recap: Your National bargaining committee came together in Toronto to begin negotiations with the company from April 4–8, 2022. We were able to sign off on some amount of non-monetary proposals, all monetary proposals remain unresolved. The employer took a very aggressive position in their opening few passes and the bargaining committee remains committed to fend off the concessions.

Returning for National Bargaining in April 2022

Dear members,

Recap: last year upon the completion of provincial bargaining, the public health restrictions in place meant we did a one-year roll over collective agreement that was ratified by the membership with a wage increase that expired on March 31, 2022. 

Tentative agreement reached at Belleville Transit

BELLEVILLE—The bargaining committee for Unifor Local 1839 signed a tentative agreement with Belleville Transit before the midnight deadline avoiding strike action.

“Front line transit workers in Belleville have reached a fair settlement that respects the hard work and vital services they provide to the community,” said Chris Macdonald, Assistant to the Unifor National President. “My congratulations to the bargaining committee for their hard work.”

Solidarity with Transit Workers

Unifor Western Regional Director Gavin McGarrigle discusses the numerous ways that transit workers in the Sea to Sky region are being supported during their strike.

PW Transit’s binding arbitration offer is a step backwards

WHISTLER—By removing its latest offer from the bargaining table and suggesting binding arbitration, the employer in the seven-week long Sea to Sky transit dispute has ensured that the parties are farther from reaching a conclusion, not closer.

“PW Transit squandered weeks of progress with their stunt today,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. “The employer’s stubbornness on fair wages has set negotiations back weeks, if not months.”