
Atlantic Council Wrap up

Unifor’s Regional Councils and the Quebec Council are a democratic force for union activism...

Inspired by today’s members, and tomorrow’s

This past week, it has been my incredible honour to stand beside workers – members of Unifor, and those working to join – as they stood up for their rights and for a voice in their communities.

Last Thursday, I stood with team members at Toyota in Ontario as we announced an escalation of their effort to join Unifor and become the first assembly plant outside the Detroit Big Three to be unionized in Canada.

Chipping away at the cultural mosaic

Rogers Broadcasting Limited is right now asking the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (our national broadcast regulator) to rewrite the rules governing ethnic television in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta – and not to the benefit of ethnic communities.

Action needed for young workers

Unifor is calling on the federal government to take strong action to help young people facing and increasingly difficult job market that...