
What Kind of Man Wears High Heels?

When you think of father-son time, the activities don't normally involve going for a stroll in pink high heeled shoes. But I'm not always one for convention. For three years running now, that's how my son Jordan and I spend one morning in September as part of an organized event, Hope in High Heels.

Reading CETA’s tea leaves

What we know about the proposed free trade deal with Europe announced “in-principle” just over a week ago comes to us through leaks and press releases from those generally in favour of the deal.

And, already there’s reason for concern.

The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) will no doubt contain some good and bad things for Canadians worried about the security of their jobs or the opportunities for them or their children to find meaningful employment. Any trade deal would.

Lumber mill reopens

A northwestern Ontario lumber mill shut down during the 2009 housing crisis in the United States...