
Unifor oilsands workers meet with Labour Minister

Members of Unifor Local 707A (Suncor) met with Alberta Labour Minister Christina Gray and Energy Minister Margret McCuag Boyd on July 7 to discuss challenges and opportunities for the province’s oil and gas sector.

Unifor Members Rally to Keep Hydro Public

Hundreds of community and labour activists rallied outside Hydro One’s first Annual General Meeting today, to demand an immediate reversal of the Ontario government’s privatization plans.

TPP Rally Toronto

Let the government hear what you have to say come and participate in the Toronto TPP rally...

Senate has no right to block repeal of C-377 and C-525

Published February 3, 2016 in the Huffington Post.

It took only a few minutes, but with a quick motion in the House of Commons last week, the new Liberal government moved to repeal two appalling pieces of federal labour legislation brought in by the former Harper government, Bills C-377 and C-525.

Almost immediately, Conservatives in the Senate promised to do all they could to block that repeal. We can’t let that happen. For those who thought this particular struggle was over, there is still much work to be done.

Time for a real debate on TPP

Published in the Huffington Post February 10, 2016

Now that the Trans Pacific Partnership has been signed, maybe we can have the honest, open and transparent debate that Canadians were denied during the federal election – and which the new Liberal government in Ottawa has promised.

Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland signed the TPP last week, saying it was merely a formality before the deal could be put before Parliament for debate. So, let’s have that debate. There’s certainly a lot to talk about.

Quebec Council

Quebec Council in Trois Rivières, QC