Health Care

Unifor welcomes 170 new members from St. Andrew's Terrace long-term care

Workers at St. Andrew's Terrace Long Term Care Community in Cambridge, Ont., have chosen Unifor as their voice in the workplace. 

This new addition brings 170 workers from various classifications, including personal support workers (PSW), cooks, environmental workers, dietary aides, maintenance staff, and life enrichment personnel.

GreenShield workers ratify new contract that protects them from outsourcing and boosts job security

WINDSOR – Unifor members at GreenShield Canada look forward to returning to work after ratifying a new three-year contract by 92% in Windsor and 91% in Toronto with the company, ending a strike that began on March 1.

“I am so very proud of this bargaining committee and these members for standing up and fighting to protect good jobs for women for today and into the future,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “We can’t advance equality in this country without the power of trade union women fighting on all fronts.”

Unifor celebrates advancement towards universal pharmacare

OTTAWA - Unifor welcomes the federal government's tabling of new pharmacare legislation that lays the groundwork towards the realization of a universal pharmacare program in Canada. 

"Today’s historic victory is important for many reasons and especially during these challenging 

Health care unions unite for quality care and fair staffing

In a powerful act of solidarity, Unifor, CUPE, and SEIU healthcare workers rallied at the Toronto Sheraton Centre, demanding the Ontario Hospital Association invest more in hospital staffing and fair wages to improve patient care and worker support.

“Save our hospital care:" Health care workers to rally for higher staffing levels and quality patient care

OCHU/CUPE, SEIU Healthcare and Unifor joined by all opposition leaders to say the government must address workers’ concerns to protect quality patient care

Toronto, ON – “Save our hospital care” will be the rallying cry on Tuesday as hundreds of health care workers hold a demonstration in Toronto on Tuesday, February 6 demanding higher staffing levels and quality patient care from the Ford government and their employers.