Health Care

Unifor reaches tentative agreement with ORNGE Air Ambulance

Unifor has reached a tentative agreement on behalf of ORNGE Air Ambulance Paramedics.

“With the united support of the membership behind them the bargaining committee was able to secure a tentative agreement that addresses key priorities for air ambulance paramedics,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “My congratulations to the bargaining committee for their hard work.”

Citizen referendum overwhelming opposes Ontario health care privatization

TORONTO-Health care workers, activists, and community organizers rallied at Queen's Park today to deliver the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) Citizens Referendum results, which revealed an overwhelmingly strong opposition to the privatization of healthcare in Ontario. The referendum saw an impressive turnout of more than 400,000 Ontarians, with an astounding 98.4% of voters expressing their disapproval of privatization.

Personal Support Worker Statement 2023

In celebration of Personal Support Worker Day on May 19, 2023 Unifor salutes the contributions of the thousands of Unifor members who work as Personal Support Workers (PSWs) in Ontario.

We are especially proud to recognize PSW’s who were on the front lines putting themselves in danger ever day by providing care for others during the pandemic.

Unifor stands by Lachine retirement home workers after CIUSSS announces layoffs

More than 60 Unifor activists rallied on May 5 in front of the Résidences Floralies Lachine in Lachine, Que. in support of the workers at the seniors' residence.

Unifor learned recently that the long-term care home was forcing residents to relocate, after seven months of direct management by the Centre Intégré Universitaire de Santé et de Services Sociaux (CIUSSS) West Island of Montreal.

Because of the relocation, the company announced there will be layoffs impacting the 130 Floralies Lachine employees.

Decade long health care privatization fight wins in Supreme Court of Canada

The Supreme Court of Canada has dismissed Cambie Surgeries Corporation’s attempt to overturn the BC Medicare Protection Act

“Canadians will always defend and work to build a health care system that is accessible, universal not for profit,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “This ruling should be a lesson that Canadians will not accept a two-tier health care system where the kind of care you get is determined by your wealth.”

Workers at Native Child And Family Services Of Toronto reach tentative agreement

Unifor Local 2488 bargaining committee and Native Child And Family Services Of Toronto have reached a tentative collective agreement.

“This was a difficult round of negotiations, but our bargaining committee stood together,” said Andrea Lawrence, President of Local 2488. “This agreement would not have been reached without the skills and solidarity of the bargaining committee.” 

Ontario budget delivers investments, now must deliver on better jobs and stronger health care

TORONTO- Infrastructure, industry and health care investments are welcome in the Ontario budget, but government needs to take the next step and translate spending into good jobs and a stronger public health care system, including workforce development strategies.

"The Ontario government has put much needed money on the table - now they have to finish the job by ensuring that the work is done here in Ontario by Ontario workers. If we are going to build the transit of the future, let’s build it in Ontario,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President.