Government and Democracy

Unifor webinar outlines policies surrounding workplace COVID-19 vaccine mandates

More than 500 Unifor local union leadership came together on September 27 to get an update on Unifor’s statement on Comprehensive Workplace Immunization Programs and Mandatory Vaccinations and advice on what tools and resources locals can use to stop the spread of COVID-19.

“To be clear, vaccine mandates are but one tool that must be implemented to keep everyone safe and finally end this pandemic,” explained Unifor’s Secretary-Treasurer Lana Payne during the session.

‘2021 O’Toole’ goes to scrap yard

It’s clear voters weren’t buying the empty promises Erin O'Toole was selling in this election. So we have scrapped the failed "2021 O’Toole" truck, and sent it to the junk yard where it belongs, along with its' namesake’s outdated conservative ideology.

Unifor requests joint meeting with Trudeau and Singh

The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P.
Prime Minister of Canada

Prime Minister Trudeau,

Let me begin by offering my sincere congratulations on your reelection as Prime Minster of Canada. I look forward to continuing to work with your government to improve the lives of working people throughout this great nation.

With the election campaign in the rear view mirror, it is time to focus on the road towards a fair and equitable recovery from the pandemic.

Unifor calls on Liberals and NDP to work together to benefit workers

OTTAWA- Unifor is calling on the Liberal and NDP leaders to work together to implement progressive change to benefit workers.

“In this election Canadians didn’t endorse any one party, instead opting for MPs to continue to work together in a minority parliament.” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “I’m asking Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh to cut through the politics and agree on mutual priorities so government can act quickly to strengthen our economy and the services that Canadians depend upon.” 

Union members won’t fall for Conservative con job

Jerry Dias
Originally published in the Toronto Sun

Canada’s federal parties are trying, very hard, to win the support of union members this election.

It makes sense.

There are around 5 million card-carrying union members in Canada, making up roughly 30 percent of the working population.

Union members are well versed in democracy, practiced through union and workplace elections.