Government and Democracy

Canada’s Best Chance to Ban Scabs

By: Lana Payne

Labour disputes are complicated affairs.

I should know.

This past year, Unifor members have faced more strikes and lockouts than at any time in the union’s 10-year history.

Making the decision to go on strike is a difficult one for workers. It takes an emotional and financial toll on individuals and families. It’s a measure of last resort, and for good reason. That’s why strikes occur in less than two percent of union contract negotiations.  

This month, the federal government, with crucial backing from the NDP, tabled Bill C-58.

Unifor EI Basics - Frequently Asked Questions

Employment Insurance (EI) Regular Benefit Basics How and where do I apply for EI Regular Benefits? To apply for EI benefits, you must submit an application for EI online. This can be done at home, at...
Government and Democracy
Jobs and the Economy

Premier Kinew outlines ambitious pro-worker agenda in first year

WINNIPEG—Workers’ rights and fixing health care were among the top priorities outlined in the Manitoba Speech from the Throne.

The event was witnessed in person by Unifor Western Regional Director Gavin McGarrigle and several members who were active in the campaign to unseat former PC leader Heather Stefanson in the October 3 election.

Anti-scab legislation a major win for workers: Unifor

Ottawa—Today marks a significant victory for Canadian workers as new federal anti-scab legislation ensures workers’ right to strike without the threat of employers using scab labour to needlessly extend labour disputes or attempt to starve workers out.

BC Regional Council mobilizes against scab labour

The ninth Unifor B.C. Regional Council opened with remarks from Alec Dan from the Musqueum band. His family, the Wolf Pack dancers, performed a welcome song and Dan described the history of the territory on which the Council was being held.

Unifor to march and rally in support of anti-scab legislation

VANCOUVER—Unifor members from across British Columbia will march in downtown Vancouver to demand the federal Liberal government make good on its promise to ban scabs from labour disputes.

“Scabs have no place in Canadian workplaces,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. “In order to ensure workers can bargain for a better standard of living, we need anti-scab legislation now. Workers have waited for the Liberals long enough.”

What: March and rally to demand federal anti-scab legislation

Time for BoC to hold fire on interest rates

Op-ed originally published in the Toronto Star on Oct. 4, 2023

Lana Payne and Rob Wildeboer

The Bank of Canada has raised the interest rate 10 times in 18 months. It’s the steepest rate hiking campaign in modern history. It’s time to hold fire.

The fact is inflation has come down quite dramatically in that time period from 8.1% in June of last year to 4% this August. Remove mortgage interest and volatile energy costs from the data and recent inflation is tracking at about 2.3% - let’s face it, the battle is pretty much over.