Government and Democracy

Broken Hearts, Empty Shoes

A National Event in support of Federal and Provincial coordination to create standards for long-term care.

Unions and the fight for Housing Justice in Canada

In September, the federal government and the Canada Mortgage Housing Corporation launched the Rapid Housing Initiative (RHI), a $1 billion housing program meant to support the creation of up to 3,000 new affordable housing units, the acquisition of land, and the conversion and rehabilitation of existing buildings to affordable housing. The RHI is part of the federal government’s National Housing Strategy, an ambitious 10-year, $55 billion-plus plan launched in November 2017 that will create 100,000 new housing units and repair or renew thousands more.

We should empower workers for a real economic recovery

As the dust settles from the 2020 B.C. election, parties on both sides of the aisle are reflecting on lessons learned and what comes next.

For the B.C. Liberals, they can hang a significant degree of blame on leadership that is increasingly out of touch with the day-to-day concerns of British Columbians. Leader Andrew Wilkinson is only a symptom of a wider rot in a caucus indifferent to the skyrocketing costs of housing and hostile to reducing income inequality.

I spent more time in jail than Scott Moe

Scott Moe killed somebody. I stood up for the rights of working people. I spent more time in jail.

As has been widely reported this week, Saskatchewan’s premier was let go with a fine after a fatal crash in which a woman was killed in 1997. 

Not only that, his name was not released at the time and the woman’s son, then a teenager, did not find out for 23 years who was responsible for his mother’s death. 

Moe was given a ticket for driving without due care and attention, a provincial traffic offence. For killing someone in front of her son. 

October 4 MMIWG2S Honouring & Awareness Day

The COVID-19 pandemic may have delayed action by the federal government on the findings of the Inquiry, but the time for talk is over—it’s time for...