Government and Democracy

Wynne to speak at Jobs Summit

Unifor’s Good Jobs Summit will feature an address from Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne next month...

Imagining a fair trade future

The trading of goods and services between economies (whether local, regional or national) is an important activity for nearly all societies – one that’s been undertaken since the dawn of civilization...
Government and Democracy

Message to Nova Scotia Health Care Members about DHA Restructuring

Unions representing all health care workers in Nova Scotia have submitted a formal proposal to develop a new bargaining system in which the unions join together to negotiate at one table for each of the province-wide bargaining units in response to the province's plans to restructure the district health authorities.

People's social forum: Finding solutions to chronic underemployment

Any leader will tell you they can’t be effective without knowing what people are concerned about at any given time – the issues that come up with family and friends, their anxieties, their desires of today and their hopes for the future.  As a national union leader, I spend a lot of time talking to people – finding out about them and their lives.