Government and Democracy

EI changes dangerous

Coalitions advocating for fair employment insurance policies have issued a national joint statement opposing dangerous changes to Canada's...

Tax is not a 4-letter word

A new book, featuring a chapter by Unifor economist Jim Stanford debunks the conservative anti-tax...

Let’s see the CETA

Unifor National President Jerry Dias says full disclosure of the proposed Canada-EU trade deal negotiating...

This Year, I'm Giving Thanks for My Union

On Monday, like millions of Canadians, I will sit down with my family to our annual Thanksgiving feast.

We'll carve the turkey, pass the potatoes, tell stories and catch up on what's been going on in each other's lives. And we'll reflect on the good things we have, giving thanks for them as we've done for many times in October.

Things like a good home and a family to share it with, and the ability to provide for that family and to help our children pursue the opportunities in their lives.

Reading CETA’s tea leaves

What we know about the proposed free trade deal with Europe announced “in-principle” just over a week ago comes to us through leaks and press releases from those generally in favour of the deal.

And, already there’s reason for concern.

The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) will no doubt contain some good and bad things for Canadians worried about the security of their jobs or the opportunities for them or their children to find meaningful employment. Any trade deal would.