Government and Democracy

GTAA’s travel cap fails passengers and workers

TORONTO – Leading up to March break and the busy summer travel season, the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) decision to cap flights and the number of travelers fails both passengers and airport workers, says Unifor.

“The GTAA is punishing the traveling public by limiting flights and services as a band-aid solution to airport congestion, instead of fixing the problem by implementing common sense solutions to improve job quality and hire needed workers,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

Stefanson pre-election budget falls short

WINNIPEG—Despite some spending measures aimed at winning re-election, the Heather Stefanson government is still defined by growing hospital wait times, health care privatization, and suppressing the minimum wage, says Unifor.

“Manitobans will not forget the Stefanson government’s deliberate and wilful dismantling of the health care system,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “One budget cannot undo years of mismanagement by the conservative government.”

Profit Doesn’t Care: Unifor rallies during federal funding negotiations

Workers rallied on Parliament Hill while Premiers and Prime Minister Trudeau negotiated a new health care funding deal for provinces and territories.

Ahead of the February 7th action, Unifor launched a petition to send a message to provincial and federal decision-makers to protect the future of public health care in the deal.

The event brought together union workers and health care advocates from across the country to demand that people are put ahead of profits.

Rally: Profit Doesn’t Care

Rally to save our public health care at the meeting of the Prime Minister and the Premiers.

Unifor urges Ontario government to stop the slippery slope of healthcare privatization

TORONTO- Unifor will continue to fight for public health care in the face of Ontario PC government’s latest steps into privatization.

“This is far from the first step of Ontario’s path toward private healthcare, but this must be where it ends,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “Public health care in Ontario is too important and we will not allow this government to bring us closer to an American-style for-profit system of health.”

Lana Payne discusses the EV evolution at the Automotive Insights Symposium

Unifor National President Lana Payne addresses the challenges and opportunities created by the shift to electric vehicles as a featured speaker at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 29th Annual Automotive Insights Symposium.  “We look at this shift toward zero emission vehicles as part of an inevitable evolution. We see the opportunities this shift presents to secure new work in plants. New tools and skills in the hands of workers. New openings for regional economic development and innovation.”