
Refining adds stability

Upgrading and refining adds jobs and stability to the often cyclical energy sector...

Pipeline exporting crude isn’t good for Canada, job creation

Russ Day, Unifor Local 601 unit chair at the Chevron Burnaby Refinery, recently had the Letter of the Day in the Vancouver Province newspaper. The following letter appeared June 29:

A recent editorial from a handful of construction unions (“Northern Gateway pipeline needed to enrich us all”) was long on rhetoric about the Northern Gateway pipeline and short on facts.

According to the Alberta Federation of Labour, only 228 permanent jobs will be created from a pipeline opposed by 130 First Nations, most BC municipalities, and half of British Columbians.

WTO finds Green Energy Act contrary to GATT

“This decision aims to destroy the kind of inventive, creative job creation policies that are absolutely necessary to put our economy on the right foot ...”