Union Solidarity

Sunwing backs away from intention to hire temporary foreign pilots

TORONTO – Sunwing pilots are celebrating news the company has decided to abandon its intention to use the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) to boost staffing levels.

“Our main concern from the get-go was training and safety,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “As a union, we expect rigorous analysis before an employer is allowed to use the TFWP. We’re pleased that Sunwing chose to back away from using TFWP and honour our collective agreement.”

Ontario Superior Court finds Bill 124 unconstitutionally removed workers’ rights

TORONTO – Unifor celebrates today’s decision by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, which ruled that Premier Ford’s Bill 124 unduly infringes on workers’ rights.

“Today’s decision is a victory for not only public sector workers and unions across Ontario, but also for every Ontarian who relies on our public services,” Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “For the past four years, workers fought back against this wage suppression bill through direct action, lobbying, and sharing personal experiences. When workers organize for justice, we can win.”

Unifor attends air sector recovery summit in Ottawa

Unifor addressed key industry concerns including understaffing, a living wage at airports for all aviation workers, an end to contract flipping, introduction of successorship rights, and proper training and true protection for the harassment endured by workers on the job at the federal government’s National Summit on the Recovery of the Air Sector on Nov. 24, 2022 in Ottawa.

Unifor will fight anti-worker changes to NB labour relations act

FREDERICTON- Unifor, Canada’s largest union in the private sector, stands in firm solidarity with New Brunswick public sector workers and their unions amid the Higgs government’s anti-worker, anti-labour legislation to amend the Public Service Labour Relations Act.

Unifor opposes health care privatization in Manitoba

WINNIPEG—Unifor will fight for public health care after conservative Premier Heather Stefanson promised increased private sector delivery in the speech from the throne.

“Privatization means cutting corners and prioritizing profits over proper care,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “Private health care might be popular among the PC’s elite donor class, but it is a non-starter with working people.”

Unifor federal lobby calls for worker-centered policies and action on affordability

OTTAWA – Unifor National President Lana Payne called for urgent action to address the affordability crisis and for enactment of policies that will bolster and support workers and their families as she outlined the union’s 2023 federal budget priorities to start the union’s lobby week.  

Payne spoke at a media conference alongside Len Poirier, Unifor National Secretary-Treasurer, Daniel Cloutier, Unifor Quebec Director and Matthew Green, NDP MP for Hamilton Centre.

Letter of support to GO Transit workers

To Brother Rob Cormier, President of ATU Local 1587:

RE: Unifor Road Transportation Council in solidarity with striking GO Transit workers

On behalf of the 23,000 members of Unifor’s Road Transportation Council, we would like to send our collective support and solidarity with the 2,200 striking GO Transit workers, represented by ATU Local 1587.

FFAW Echoes Call for Increased Search and Rescue in Labrador

On the heels of the Newfoundland and Labrador Fish Harvesting Safety Association (Nl-FHSA) Safety Symposium last week and the arrival of Minister Joyce Murray in St. John’s this week, the FFAW’s Inshore Council is reiterating the need for increased search and rescue resources in Labrador.