
Sisterhood Outreach program empowers women to strengthen local women’s committees

Unifor’s Sisterhood Outreach: Strengthening Women’s Committees program is making stops across the country, building and supporting women of the union through local strategy sessions.

Each session runs for a day where participants discuss the importance of their activism and work, learning together about concrete ways to start and sustain a women’s committee. 

“Sisterhood and solidarity at Unifor have been strengthened by the connections women are making to each other,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

Register for the Three-Day Pay Equity course

The Federal Pay Equity is now law and workplace committees are being set up in all our Federally regulated workplaces. Unifor has scheduled a three-day program for members chosen to be on these committees.

Wear red for Equal Pay Day, April 4, 2023

Several months into each calendar year we reach a date known as Equal Pay Day. This is the average date women have to work into the year to catch up to the wages men made the year prior.

This year Equal Pay Day will be marked on April 4, meaning that women will have worked an extra quarter of a year just to earn what their male counterparts made last year. 

Yes, we are still fighting for equal pay in 2023.

Statement for International Women’s Day

International Women's Day (IWD) is a day to celebrate and recognize the incredible contributions working women have made and continue to make in our country and around the world, and to regroup to face the challenges ahead.