
First ever LBTI event inside the UN building

Lisa Kelly is part of an international delegation of trade union women leaders attending the 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW59), taking place in New York from March 9-20 2015. The session marks the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action – signed onto by governments who committed to action on a number of issues related to women and girls including violence, poverty, education and training, power and decision making and many other areas.

Union women head to the UN to demand equality and justice around the world

Lisa Kelly is part of an international delegation of trade union women leaders attending the 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW59), taking place in New York from March 9-20 2015. The session marks the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action – signed onto by governments who committed to action on a number of issues related to women and girls including violence, poverty, education and training, power and decision making and many other areas.

Unifor marks IWD

Unifor marked International Women’s Day at rallies, dinners and marches across the country...

Workplace supports can help women leave violent partners

Windsor Star

Dec 06, 2014

Julie White and Jerry Dias

A woman living with a violent partner may try as many as seven times to leave before being able to make a permanent break— if she can. Each year, as many as 80 women are not able to get out. They, and often their children, are murdered by an abuser because the system has utterly failed them.

Remembering and calling for action on violence against women

By Cody Crick

Chair, Unifor BC Young Workers Committee

This year has been a year of tragedies for many in the world, from missing planes and sinking ferries, to armed civil unrest and schoolgirl abductions.  But closer to home, 2014 marks an important anniversary in the lives of Canadians both young and old. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Montreal Massacre in which 14 women were killed at École Polytechnique in Quebec. The reason for this brutal attack: a man “fighting feminism” and seeking revenge for the women he believed ruined his life.