Human Rights

Unifor signs Reproductive Justice Manifesto

Unifor has become a signatory to the Reproductive Justice Manifesto, coordinated by the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, the AccessBC Campaign for free prescription contraception, the BC Humanist Association, Options for Sexual Health, and the University of British Columbia Social Justice Centre.

Not all refugees treated equally

“Whoever, Wherever, Whenever” are the criteria that all nations must have in accepting refugees seeking safety, the United Nations says in its call for action on World Refugee Day, June 20, 2022.

Historic racial justice training leads into BIWOC Conference

Unifor is about to embark on a historic week to address racism.

Next week – from June 12 to 17, 2022 – elected racial justice advocates, union members, and community organizations will discuss strategies to address racial harassment and discrimination in the workplace at the inaugural Racial Justice Advocate training course in Port Elgin, Ont.

"Unifor has always championed working towards eradicating racism, not only in workplaces but in the world," said Lana Payne, Unifor's National Secretary-Treasurer. 

Unifor launches website to help journalists facing harassment

TORONTO – In the face of increasing harassment of journalists and media workers online, made worse by polarizing politics and the anonymity of social media, Unifor is launching a new website to help journalists and media workers get the help they need when they need it.

“The harassment journalists face on the job is simply horrific. It is often racist and misogynist, and cannot be tolerated,” said Unifor Secretary-Treasurer Lana Payne, herself a former journalist.

Asian Heritage Month 2022 statement

Speak. Listen. Learn.

During Asian Heritage Month in May, Unifor joins with our members to celebrate accomplishments and honour people's diverse experiences from all across Asia including north, southeast and west Asia.

Unifor wants members to share their stories, hear others’ experiences and take away the lessons learned from each other in the workplace to build our solidarity. Let's embrace the history of our workers’ successes and understand the challenges and barriers faced by Asian and South Asian members of our communities and of our union.

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Statement

There’s still much work to be done.

On March 21, Unifor acknowledges the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It’s not a celebration, though.

On that day in 1960, police officers in the township of Sharpeville, South Africa opened fire on a group of people peacefully protesting oppressive pass laws, killing 69. The anniversary of the massacre is remembered annually with a recommitment for society to end racism in all its forms.