
Best Theratronics owner holiday email rant slams stat holidays, touts benefits of seven-day workweek and threatens to move jobs overseas

OTTAWA— In what was supposed to be an uplifting email message to workers over the Victoria Day long weekend, Best Theratronics (BTL) owner Krishnan Suthanthiran instead went on a tirade, casting his workers as entitled and lazy for having too many statutory holidays, touting the benefits of a seven-day workweek, and even threatening to move jobs of workers on strike at the company overseas.

KB Components members ratify new agreement following standoff at plant

Members at KB Components Canada have voted to ratify a new three-year agreement following tense negotiations that culminated in a standoff to prevent the removal of equipment from the plant when the strike deadline approached. 

“I commend all of our members for their swift action, that prevented anything being removed from this plant, that would have weakened the union’s bargaining power and diluted any potential strike action,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. 

WM’s use of scab labour creates massive safety issues

STONEY CREEK—Unifor is extremely concerned about Waste Management Canada Corp. (WM) using managers and outside workers as scab labour and creating safety concerns.

“It is clear by the company’s actions that they will resort to any means necessary to try to bust our strike and demands for a fair collective agreement,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “WM’s use of unqualified scabs creates a dangerous work environment, and it is our concern as a union that health and safety is at risk as a result.”

Unifor holds rally for MDA Space workers on strike

BRAMPTON—Workers and community supporters rallied today at the MDA Space headquarters in Brampton, Ontario where workers have been on strike for the past five weeks, fighting for a fair contract. 

RailLine Volume 11 – Issue 14

Unifor reaches a tentative agreement with CNTL, averting strike action

Unifor has reached a tentative settlement with CN Transportation Ltd. (CNTL) on a new four-year collective agreement. 

The union’s bargaining committee opened negotiations with CNTL on November 13, 2023 in Brampton. The first tentative settlement was rejected by a slim vote of 52% during ratification meetings held from January 23 to February 2.

CANSA prepares for end of cooling off period

The Canadian Air Navigation Specialists Association (CANSA) at Unifor Local 1016 is preparing for the end of the 21-day cooling off period – during which no strike or lockout can take place – with employer NAV Canada on May 3, 2024, just before midnight.

“The support and solidarity our members have shown over the last 300 days they have been without a contract speaks volumes which cannot be ignored by NAV Canada,” said James Walker, President of CANSA and Unifor Local 1016.

Local 530-A members begin mobilization for bargaining

More than 100 Unifor Local 530-A members turned out April 24 to leaflet the gates of their workplace at the Shell Scotford facility in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta. The energy workers are raising the profile of wage gaps between their facility and Shell Scotford's competitors.

“Implementing the gains from the national pattern agreement is a top priority for Unifor,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “Whatever efforts the members at Shell Scotford undertake to secure the pattern, they have the full support of Unifor.”