
Unifor members stop CN train in Winnipeg

On March 14 Unifor members in Winnipeg safely stopped a CN train in solidarity with members on strike at CN Autoport in Halifax. Watch Western Regional Director Gavin McGarrigle describe the escalating actions taking place across Canada against CN.

Concorde Airport Services workers at Calgary airport join Unifor

Unifor welcomes 69 new members working at Concorde Airport Services in the Calgary International Airport, who voted almost 85% in favour of joining the union.

“We are thrilled these aviation workers have exercised their right to join a union, and have chosen Unifor,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. 

“Democracy at work starts with having a say in your working conditions.”

The certification for this unit took place March 8, 2024, and is assigned to Unifor Local 4050.

Ontario Northland workers ratify tentative agreement

Unifor Local 103 members working at Ontario Northland Transportation Commission ratify tentative agreement.

"This ratified agreement shows what a strong and united membership can accomplish at the bargaining table," said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. "Congratulations to the bargaining committee and to every Local 103 member for their dedication in achieving such a great collective agreement."

Unifor members at Zayo ratify contract with largest wage gains since 1980s

Unifor Local 2000A members have overwhelmingly ratified a new four-year agreement with their employer, Zayo, an American telecommunications company headquartered in Boulder, Colorado. The agreement, reached after rigorous negotiations, marks a significant milestone as they achieved the largest wage gains in nearly 50 years.

Unifor and Ontario Northland reach tentative agreement

NORTH BAY – Unifor Local 103 representing workers at Ontario Northland have reached a tentative agreement.

"Entering negotiations, we had one goal in mind: to negotiate an agreement that shows the true value of our members, and we believe this tentative agreement does exactly that," said Jeremy Rodgers, President of Unifor Local 103. "We would not have been able to negotiate this agreement without the solidarity and support of our membership."

Ontario Northland workers gear up for potential strike action

NORTH BAY - Workers at Ontario Northland are heading towards a strike deadline with a strong mandate for action, echoing a commitment to secure a fair collective agreement.

“Despite the challenges, our members have remained steadfast, demonstrating their resilience and determination to fight for what is just,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “It’s disheartening to see the disparity between the treatment of our hardworking members and the executive level’s payout.”

New equity positions big wins in Masco Canada contract

Unifor Local 27 members have ratified a new three-year agreement with their manufacturing employer, Masco Canada in St. Thomas, Ont. on March 5.

 “Congratulations to the bargaining committee for their dedicated hard work negotiating a fair contract for our manufacturing members,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “Every step towards making a workplace more inclusive is a move in the right direction.”