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Human Rights day

Human Rights Day commemorates the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948. The landmark document states that human rights are not the preserve of any one nation, or race, or gender but that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

Workplace supports can help women leave violent partners

Windsor Star

Dec 06, 2014

Julie White and Jerry Dias

A woman living with a violent partner may try as many as seven times to leave before being able to make a permanent break— if she can. Each year, as many as 80 women are not able to get out. They, and often their children, are murdered by an abuser because the system has utterly failed them.

Quebec Council meets

Delegates to Unifor’s recent Quebec Council took part in a massive protest in the streets of Quebec City...

Remembering and calling for action on violence against women

By Cody Crick

Chair, Unifor BC Young Workers Committee

This year has been a year of tragedies for many in the world, from missing planes and sinking ferries, to armed civil unrest and schoolgirl abductions.  But closer to home, 2014 marks an important anniversary in the lives of Canadians both young and old. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Montreal Massacre in which 14 women were killed at École Polytechnique in Quebec. The reason for this brutal attack: a man “fighting feminism” and seeking revenge for the women he believed ruined his life.

Unifor welcomes Uber bill

TORONTO, Dec. 3, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor, which represents thousands of cab drivers in Ontario, welcomes a private member's bill introduced in the Legislature this afternoon to address the issue of app-based bandit cabs in the province.

Saskatchewan hi-tech firm on verge of legal job action

REGINA, Dec. 3, 2014 /CNW/ - IT support services for several large corporations and government agencies across Western Canada could be disrupted if a deal is not reached during bargaining this month at ISM Canada. More than 300 Unifor Local 911 members could take legal job action if massive concessions are not withdrawn by the IBM-owned company.

Resolute commits to protect Fort Frances pulp mill

TORONTO, Nov. 29, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor is pleased that calls from the union and Fort Frances community to protect a pulp mill currently owned by Resolute have been heard.

After discussion between Resolute, the Wynne government and Unifor, Resolute has announced that it will be heating the closed mill over the winter in order to protect the equipment in the mill.

Unifor welcomes Irene Lanzinger as BC Fed president

“BC’s workers have a strong ally in Irene Lanzinger. She will be a terrific leader for our movement to create and protect good jobs and make work safer,” said Joie Warnock, Unifor’s Western Director.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Working people understand that we do not live in a fair society and that this lack of fairness extends into our workplaces. Discrimination based on disabilities is a daily reality and we have a responsibility to confront it.

Our communities and our workplaces are designed with a fictitious “normal person” in mind as if having a disability weren’t in fact, normal.

Unifor reaches and approves new deal with RA Centre

OTTAWA, Nov. 23, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor has reached and ratified a new deal with RA Centre, approved by RA workers by 96 per cent. Unifor Local 4270 represents the 35 unionized staff members at the RA Centre who met this afternoon to review the details of the new contract.