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Bus and taxi drivers throw support behind Senate Bill 221

OTTAWA, June 18, 2014 /CNW/ - In meetings with MPs and in testimony to a Senate committee today, representatives of bus drivers and taxi drivers shared their support for S-221, a bill to amend the Criminal Code to include options for stiffer penalties for those convicted of assaulting drivers.

Statement National Aboriginal peoples' day 2014

Unifor joins with Aboriginal peoples across the country in recognizing June 21st, Aboriginal Peoples Day - the summer solstice that has for centuries been recognized as a day to celebrate First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples and their heritage.

It is also a day to reflect on the history of colonialism, to take a critical look at its on-going legacy, and to re-commit ourselves to righting the wrongs of both the distant and recent past.

Join World Pride

This year is an important and historic year for the LGBT members in our union...

Media Advisory - Unifor members to testify in support of Criminal Code amendment

OTTAWA, June 17, 2014 /CNW/ - Stronger sentences are needed to deter violence and protect front-line transit workers, say transit operators and taxi drivers represented by Unifor. Union representatives will testify before the Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs to support Bill S-221 An Act to Amend the Criminal Code (Assaults Against Public Transit Workers) introduced by Senator Bob Runciman.

Statement of support issued for NB forestry plan

MONCTON, NB, June 13, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor has issued a statement in strong support of New Brunswick's provincial forestry plan saying that investment in the sector is vital for communities and good jobs across the province.

The Right Strategy for Stronger Forestry

Forestry is vital for all of New Brunswick. More than 13,000 men and women work directly in the industry, and another 9,000 jobs are sustained elsewhere in the economy. Forestry generates $1.5 billion in annual economic activity and is essential for dozens of communities across the province. And everyone benefits
from the contributions to public revenues made by the industry and its workers, paying for essential services like education, health care and infrastructure.

Media Advisory - Unifor's Alberta members are mobilized to testify against Bills 9 and 10

EDMONTON, June 13, 2014 /CNW/ - Local Unifor representatives will make the case against reductions to retirees' incomes during two weeks of public consultations on Bills 9 and 10. The legislature standing committee reviewing the bills will visit seven cities during June 16-26 to gather feedback about legislation that generated a massive backlash throughout the winter and spring.

Ontario votes for good jobs, strong public services and healthy communities

TORONTO, June 12, 2014 /CNW/ - "Ontario voters sent a clear message tonight that they want an Ontario with good jobs, strong public services and healthy communities," Unifor National President Jerry Dias said. "Ontario has clearly rejected Mr. Hudak's offer to race Ontario to the bottom."

Trade deal with South Korea still a bad idea: Unifor

TORONTO, June 12, 2014 /CNW/ - The release of the full text of the proposed free trade deal with South Korea does nothing to alleviate concerns that the deal will seriously harm Canada's manufacturing sector, and sends the Canadian economy heading in the wrong direction, Unifor National President Jerry Dias says.

/R E P E A T -- Unifor leadership available to comment on election results/

TORONTO, June 11, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor's national and Ontario leaders will be available Thursday night and Friday to comment on the results of Thursday's Ontario election.

"This is a critical election for Ontario's future, and voters have clear choices before them about the kind of province they want," said Unifor National President Jerry Dias

Unifor leadership available to comment on election results

TORONTO, June 10, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor's national and Ontario leaders will be available Thursday night and Friday to comment on the results of Thursday's Ontario election.

"This is a critical election for Ontario's future, and voters have clear choices before them about the kind of province they want," said Unifor National President Jerry Dias

Unifor condemns Cascade Aerospace for using replacement workers during strike

ABBOTSFORD, BC, June 9, 2014 /CNW/ - Instead of using replacement workers, Unifor is calling on Cascade Aerospace to get back to the bargaining table to negotiate job security for the more than 400 workers on strike. Contrary to the company's claims, back-up labourers have been shipped in to do the work of striking technicians and engineers.

New Resolute collective agreements covering 2,000 workers

With new collective agreements covering 2,000 workers at Resolute Forestry Products' 11 locations across Ontario and Quebec - a deal that will set the pattern for negotiations with 8,000 other workers east of the Manitoba border - this vital industry is on a renewed footing and ready for a long-overdue national dialogue on the future of forestry.

Media union breaks silence on election

Don't vote for Hudak and his PCs, Unifor Local 87-M tells members

TORONTO, June 9, 2014 /CNW/ - The union representing journalists and other media workers across Ontario is asking its 2,600 members not to vote for Tim Hudak and his Progressive Conservative Party in Thursday's provincial election.

Unifor defends seniors' pensions at committee hearing

EDMONTON, June 5, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor will advise the government to shelve Bills 9 and 10 during testimony to the Standing Committee on Alberta's Economic Future this afternoon.

"Bills 9 and 10 are a serious blow to the dignity and independence of Alberta's seniors," said Joie Warnock, Unifor's Western Director. "This legislation is a crass attempt to have companies profit from taking seniors' retirement income."