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The outpouring of grief and support from Unifor members following the discovery of a mass grave at the site of the former Kamloops Indian Residential

Letter to the Minister of Labour Filomena Tassi, It’s Time for a Real Federal Ban on Scabs

The Honourable Filomena Tassi, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Labour

Dear Minister Tassi,

Re: It’s Time for a Real Federal Ban on Scabs

I’m writing to you on behalf of more than 315,000 Unifor members across the country, working in every major sector of the Canadian economy, to ask you to take action to help restore balance for all workers. As you know, in May, our union launched a public campaign to advocate for anti-scab legislation to stop employers from undermining the power of union members.

Letter to the Prime Minister Re: Improving access to COVID-19 supports

June 3, 2021

The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P.

Prime Minister of Canada


Dear Prime Minister,

RE: Improving access to COVID-19 supports, including by waiving certain aspects of the Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights agreement and other federal supports

Newfoundland and Labrador budget regresses to failed austerity measures

May 31, 2021

ST. JOHN’S — Newfoundland and Labrador’s ‘Change Starts Here’ budget regresses to failed old-school austerity measures, as newly-elected Premier Andrew Furey missed the opportunity to launch a progressive plan to move the province and its workers forward.  

Don’t be fooled by Facebook’s latest ruse

This column from Unifor National President Jerry Dias and Daniel Bernhard, executive director of FRIENDS of Canadian Broadcasting, first appeared in the Toronto Star.

If Facebook’s latest plan to pay 14 Canadian media outlets for their content was a good-faith effort to support Canadian journalism, it would not have sworn participating outlets to secrecy, just to kick the tires on their offer.

Facebook is hiding these deals behind non-disclosure agreements because its real intention is not to pay for news, but to avoid paying for it.

Missing children found on Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc territory

Unifor mourns the loss of the 215 children found on Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc territory who perished in the custody of the Kamloops Indian Residential School.

The discovery confirms what community survivors have said for decades—hundreds of children went to the school and never returned home. This is true of at least 6,000 Indigenous children who attended residential schools across the country.

The mass grave is a horrific reminder of the scale of the colonial violence that still haunts survivors and their families today.

Missing children found on Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc territory

Unifor mourns the loss of the 215 children found on Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc territory who perished in the custody of the Kamloops Indian Residential School.

The discovery confirms what community survivors have said for decades—hundreds of children went to the school and never returned home. This is true of at least 6,000 Indigenous children who attended residential schools across the country.

The mass grave is a horrific reminder of the scale of the colonial violence that still haunts survivors and their families today.

Dias calls for action in Mexico

Unifor National President Jerry Dias told a media conference in Mexico City today that immediate and strong action is needed to ensure free and transparent union votes for Mexican workers.

Unifor donates $450,000 to MSF for work in Gaza, India and Mexico

Unifor has donated $250,000 to Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to respond to the immediate health, mental health, psychosocial and emergency response needs, and to carry out essential emergency interventions during the hostilities in Gaza.

Reliance ‘cruel’ to cut locked out workers’ disability benefits

TORONTO—Locked out Reliance Home Comfort workers on Short- and Long-Term Disability across Ontario have been cut off from their extended health and dental benefits, says Unifor.

“Reliance is sending their customers a message: the owners will be as cruel as it takes to force a deal on their workers," said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. "Customers aren't sheep. If they think Reliance is a ruthless corporation obsessed with profit at any cost, they won't hesitate to go elsewhere."

Public health care needs to be universal, with “everybody in and nobody out”

Dominic Harris recalls his cousin cutting his hand open.

“He took Superglue and glued it because he didn’t want to go to the hospital,” he said.

“My other cousin tore his ACL and he’s now looking at a $6,000 bill to get an MRI, not including surgery. He has no insurance. If we had a universal health care system, everyone would be on the same level – whether you’re a judge or janitor.”