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Unifor media workers in Ottawa to lobby MPs to #SaveLocalNews

October 19, 2018
OTTAWA – A delegation of Unifor activists and leaders will be in Ottawa next week to urge the federal government to take action to address the crisis in Canadian journalism as newsrooms continue to shrink across the country.
“There are plenty of things the federal government can do to stop the drain of revenues to Facebook and Google and boost Canadian media,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

Council of Nursing Unions Concludes Bargaining Today, Resumes October 30

Scheduled talks concluded today, October 19, for the Nova Scotia Council of Nursing Unions. The Nursing Council met this fall with the Employer group, a group of 19 representatives from the IWK and the Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) on September 4,5, 6, 19, 20, 21, and October 10, 11, 12, 17, 18 and 19.

The 20-member Nursing Council is comprised of acute care nurses from NSNU, NSGEU, CUPE, and Unifor. The Council of Nursing Unions bargaining committee includes 11 members from NSNU, seven NSGEU, one from CUPE and one from Unifor.

Persons Day

October 18, 2018

On October 18, Unifor members join Canadians in celebrating Persons Day. On this day in 1929, women won the right to be appointed to the Senate of Canada, finally being considered “persons” under the law. Since that time women have continued to work tirelessly to break down barriers to women’s full participation in public and political life. Using the lens of intersectionality, we can see that barriers can be compounded for women of colour, indigenous women, immigrant women, trans women and women with disAbilities.

Irving Shipyard workers make noise to save jobs

Unifor members at the Halifax Shipyard marched from the yard through downtown Halifax to City Hall to raise awareness about the Ships Stay Here campaign earlier this week.

“Unifor will vigorously defend good shipbuilding jobs for the region and Nova Scotians are keenly aware of the impact the shipyard has on the regional economy, which is why we must all work together to ensure steady employment and stability for families,” said Lana Payne, Unifor Atlantic Regional Director.

Trade Union Commitment to Ensure that Teleperformance Respects Human Rights

We come together as unions representing ICTS and contact centre employees around the world to jointly state our commitment to ensure that Teleperformance respects human and labour rights across its global operations.

Teleperformance is the largest contact centre company in the world, operating in 76 countries and employing more than 280,000 workers.

PWTransit workers vote 100% in favour of strike action

October 16, 2018

OSHAWA—Pacific Western Transit’s failure to negotiate a fair contract means more than 73 transit workers could be on strike as of October 27 at midnight.

“Our members are proud to serve their communities in Durham,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Fairness for these workers needs to be a higher priority.”

Ships Stay Here rally to keep jobs in Halifax

October 15, 2018

HALIFAX – Hundreds of Unifor members and supporters will depart from the Irving Shipyard and march along Barrington Street to Grand Parade on Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. to support the Ships Stay Here campaign.

Unifor members welcome Catalyst sale to Paper Excellence

October 11, 2018

POWELL RIVER—Unifor members at three B.C. paper mills are welcoming news that a major paper manufacturer has stepped in to purchase the troubled Catalyst Paper.

“A vibrant forestry industry is pivotal to so many B.C. communities,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “B.C.’s pulp and paper industry is both environmentally sustainable and a source of good jobs.”

Members cover the city with Ships Stay Here signs

Unifor-MWF Local 1 members took to the streets today to get the word out about Ships Stay Here. Hundreds of signs were posted at key intersections around Halifax and on private lawns.

The shipbuilders also took time to speak to local media about the campaign and the importance of keeping the work at the Irving Shipyard.

"We've been doing this work since the ships were built in the 90's and we know these ships inside and out," Ryan Lapointe, Chief Shop Steward at Local 1 told CTV News.

Unifor members make significant gains at Hyatt Regency

October 10, 2018

TORONTO—Unifor Local 7575 members at the Hyatt Regency hotel have voted to ratify a new collective agreement that includes major economic gains and secures good jobs in the industry.

“Unifor’s new members in the hospitality industry are seeing tangible benefits of joining an activist union,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Unifor has proven that we will fight for sector-leading collective agreements."

D-J Composites agrees to binding arbitration after NL Premier intervenes

October 3, 2018

GANDER - D-J Composites has consented to binding arbitration to resolve a 21-month lockout of Unifor Local 597 members.

“On Monday we asked Premier Dwight Ball to intervene and stand up for 30 workers who have been on a picket line far too long and we are pleased that with his assistance, we are going to binding arbitration,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor’s National President.

Binding arbitration will eventually lead to a collective agreement, which will end the lockout.

Chatham rally to oppose health care cuts

October 1, 2018

CHATHAM, ON - Health care workers and members of Local 2458 invite the community of Chatham and surrounding areas to a rally to protest cuts to front-line care for seniors in long-term care.

What: Rally for care for residents
When: Wednesday, October 3, 2018 at 1:30 pm
Where: 91 Tecumseh Road Chatham, Ontario N7M 1B3
Who: Health care workers, Unifor Local 2458 members and members of the public

Unifor determined to bring an end to lockout

September 28, 2018

GANDER - Unifor is outraged, but not surprised, that D-J Composites is refusing to negotiate an end to the 21-month lockout at the Gander aerospace plant.

“The company is not being honest with the people of Newfoundland and Labrador. DJ Composites’ bargaining has been illegal and deceitful and for this company to expect our union and members to be patient at day 648 is frankly ridiculous,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor’s National President.

Unifor condemns Retail Council of Canada’s attack on equal pay

September 28, 2018

TORONTO- Unifor calls for the defence of equal pay provisions that protect millions of part-time and temporary workers in Ontario. 

“Paying two workers dramatically different wages for performing the same job attacks the very core of fairness,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “The Retail Council of Canada shows a callous disrespect for retail workers by lobbying to re-instate this two-tiered treatment.”

Pharmacare consultation deadline tomorrow

The deadline to provide input on making prescription medications more affordable for all Canadians is approaching as the federal government’s online c