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Unique alliance of 75,000 hospital workers formed in Ontario

March 27, 2018 TORONTO -Three of Canada’s largest unions today announced an alliance that kicks off an escalating campaign of membership mobilization to push Ontario hospitals to return to bargaining and treat their staff with respect.

Unifor and Mexican labour leaders join in NAFTA lobby

March 26, 2018

OTTAWA – Unifor and Mexican labour leaders join together this week to warn MPs about the dangers of negotiating a NAFTA deal that fails to protect workers in both countries.

“The old NAFTA model was built on exploitation, as Canadian manufacturing jobs migrated to Mexico where multinationals are permitted to pay workers poverty wages,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “If a new NAFTA does not address low wages and labour rights in Mexico then both Canadian and Mexican workers will continue to pay the price.”

School bus drivers ratify collective agreements

March 25, 2018

TORONTO – School bus drivers at First Student Canada and Parkview Transit, members of Unifor locals 4268 and 1285, have voted to accept new collective agreements.

“Unifor worked diligently to achieve significant gains in these two contracts as part of the union’s ongoing work to raise standards for school bus drivers across Ontario’s student transportation sector,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Pallister bungling continues at Manitoba Hydro

March 21, 2018

WINNIPEG—Unifor says that mass resignation of the Manitoba Hydro board of directors is another signal that Premier Brian Pallister cannot achieve results that benefit the province.

“The Premier is causing chaos in the management of public services and Crown corporations,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Front line public sector workers do great work for Manitobans, but we can’t say the same for Brian Pallister’s performance.”

N.S. budget fails to re-invest in long term care

March 20, 2018

HALIFAX - The Nova Scotia government has failed to re-invest in key priorities such as long-term care, where wait lists are long and previous cuts have reduced the quality of care.
“Once again the McNeil government has let down Nova Scotia seniors, their families and the overworked long-term care providers with a failure to invest in the sector,” said Lana Payne, Atlantic Regional Director.

Unifor condemns new U.S. forestry tariffs

March 16, 2018

OTTAWA - Unifor is calling on the federal government to intervene immediately to stop new anti-dumping duties imposed by the U.S. on pulp and paper mills in Newfoundland and British Columbia.

“Unfair tariffs aren’t just political theatre, they’re reckless policies that will close down mills and throw hundreds of Canadians out of work,” said Jerry Dias, National President. “This is completely unacceptable and Ottawa needs to push back hard against these heavy-handed tactics.”

Pallister budget gets failing grade from Unifor

March 12, 2018

WINNIPEG—The 2018 Manitoba budget fails to address some of the province’s most urgent problems, especially in the north, says Unifor.

“Premier Brian Pallister is failing Manitoba’s most vulnerable,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “There is a stunning indifference to the struggles of Manitobans who are falling farther and farther behind.”

Tariff exclusion a stay of execution: Unifor

March 8, 2018
TORONTO – Unifor says the exclusion of tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum exports to the U.S. is simply a stay of execution.“This isn’t a victory, it’s a threat,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “The U.S. is now holding tariffs over Canada’s head at the NAFTA table ahead of the next round, which uncoincidentally will take place in Washington.”

Unifor members gather to lobby B.C. government

March 6, 2018

VICTORIA—Unifor activists will present policy proposals on workplace health and safety reforms, economic security for women, and progressive labour law amendments during meetings this week in Victoria.

“Last spring, British Columbians voted for change. There is no time to waste when it comes to making workplaces safer and restoring workers’ basic rights,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

Paramedic strike delayed by OLRB decision

Feb 27, 2018 SAULT STE. MARIE – A last minute decision from Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB) has delayed a legal strike by paramedics that was to begin at midnight on February 28.

Goderich mine cutting corners with lay-offs, says Unifor

February 27, 2018

GODERICH—Unifor is calling on the Goderich mine’s owners, Compass Minerals, to “press pause” on a massive round of lay-offs in order to ensure that procedures are being followed properly.

“Being laid off is a major event in any family’s life,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “We have serious concerns about the way Compass has acted, and we’re calling on the employer to respect the collective agreement and their obligations under the law.”

Staffing levels lead to Domtar pulp mill shutdown

February 16, 2018

ESPANOLA, ONTARIO—Unifor is working with Domtar to find solutions to the staffing levels that have resulted in the pulp mill’s temporary shutdown.

“We’re disappointed with Domtar’s actions but we are doing everything we can to ensure that the mill is re-activated with safety in mind,” said Scott Doherty, Unifor Assistant to the National President.

After steam plant staffing levels reached a critical low, some operations could no longer continue. The company later initiated a shutdown, forcing dozens of workers to stop working.

Eastern pulp and paper bargaining target will be Resolute

February 16, 2018

MONTREAL—Over 120 Unifor delegates kicked off bargaining preparation for the pattern agreement in the pulp and paper industry in Eastern Canada by selecting Resolute Forestry Products as the target company.

“I’m eager to get forestry workers what they deserve: a fair collective agreement that reflects their contributions to the industry,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “The forestry industry in Canada is well-positioned for a pattern agreement that reflects workers’ priorities.”

Workers at downtown Toronto Hyatt vote to join Unifor

February 16, 2018

TORONTO – Workers at the landmark Hyatt Regency hotel in downtown Toronto have voted to join Unifor, the fifth location where workers decided to leave the American parent union that placed their local in trusteeship.

More hotel workers vote to join Unifor, more votes planned

February 5, 2018

TORONTO – Another 215 hotel workers joined Unifor today after votes were held at hotels across Toronto and Mississauga, leaving behind the American union that had placed their old local in trusteeship.

“When given the choice, these workers have sent a clear signal that they want to be members of a union that listens to their concerns and treats them with respect,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “I am humbled that they have chosen Unifor.”

Hotel workers’ voice blocked by U.S. union

February 2, 2018

TORONTO – During a week in which workers at three Toronto hotels voted to join Unifor, the American union they are leaving behind moved to block the voice of workers from being heard, Unifor says.

“Workers are making the democratic choice to stand up to exactly this type of bullying and intimidation and to be part of a strong Canadian union,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Driverless trucks aren’t the solution for Suncor

January 31, 2018

FORT MCMURRAY— Replacing hundreds of heavy machine operators with driverless trucks would be a mistake, says the union representing workers at Suncor.

“Highly experienced and capable operators will always need to play a role in Oilsands extraction, and it is a mistake to think otherwise,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.