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New equity positions big wins in Masco Canada contract

Unifor Local 27 members have ratified a new three-year agreement with their manufacturing employer, Masco Canada in St. Thomas, Ont. on March 5.

 “Congratulations to the bargaining committee for their dedicated hard work negotiating a fair contract for our manufacturing members,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “Every step towards making a workplace more inclusive is a move in the right direction.”

RailLine Volume 11 – Issue 9

Ontario Northland Bargaining Update

Dear Members,

As we approach the strike deadline on March 12, at 12:01 a.m., we want to update you on our efforts to secure a fair deal. 

Bargaining began last summer, focusing on improving benefits and wages, with the company showing willingness to enhance the package, pending approval from the Ontario Treasury Board. However, to date, we have yet to secure an agreement that truly reflects the value our members bring to Ontario Northland.

Ontario Northland workers gear up for potential strike action

NORTH BAY - Workers at Ontario Northland are heading towards a strike deadline with a strong mandate for action, echoing a commitment to secure a fair collective agreement.

“Despite the challenges, our members have remained steadfast, demonstrating their resilience and determination to fight for what is just,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “It’s disheartening to see the disparity between the treatment of our hardworking members and the executive level’s payout.”

Unifor launches “Shame on Bell” campaign leading up to March 19 testimony by company execs

Unifor has launched its new “Shame on Bell” campaign today in response to the telecommunications and media giant’s callous decision last month to slash 4,800 jobs, including 800 of our members in telco and media.

“We promised Bell a fight and they are going to get one,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “Our union is not standing by idly while this company hands out pink slips, while profiting billions. Workers who have helped grow this company from the ground up are not disposable.”

Reducing methane leaks should create good jobs

Unifor is actively campaigning to ensure Canada’s efforts to mitigate methane emissions along Canada’s natural gas infrastructure relies on good union jobs. 

On February 20, Unifor National President Lana Payne wrote to federal Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Jonathan Wilkinson to detail recommendations for reducing methane leaks across the natural gas supply chain. The letter augments a written submission to the federal government’s regulatory body earlier in 2024.

Cancarb workers join Unifor

More than 50 workers at Cancarb in Medicine Hat have joined Unifor after a certification vote on February 26 and 27, 2024. They will join the amalgamated Unifor Local 4050.

“We are thrilled to welcome Cancarb workers to Unifor,” said Western Regional Director Gavin McGarrigle. “We’re going to get to work right away on a contract to secure compensation and improve working conditions.”

Unifor members ratify contract with Jamieson Laboratories

WINDSOR – The 317 members of Unifor Local 195 employed by Jamieson have ratified a new collective agreement, ending a 34-day strike.

“Congratulations to the bargaining committee for holding steady during some difficult negotiations and fighting for a contract their members could support,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

“As well, my sincere thanks to our members and their families, for showing up on the picket line, day in and day out, remaining strong in your resolve and solidarity.” 

Thunder Bay rallies for fair hospital worker contracts

In the heart of Thunder Bay, hospital workers represented by Unifor, SEIU and CUPE rallied to demand the Ontario Hospital Association negotiate a collective agreement that ensures healthcare workers are compensated fairly for their tireless efforts, especially in the challenging times of recent years.

Letter to Premier Houston re.: Use of scabs in CN Rail Autoport

Dear Premier Houston,

We write to you regarding a new labour dispute involving 239 Unifor members in Nova Scotia.

Less than eight hours into the Unifor Local 100 strike at Autoport in Eastern Passage, the employer, CN Rail, brought in scabs. Our union can only interpret this as a blatant attempt by CN Rail to disrupt the legal strike and undermine our members’ constitutional right to bargain and reach a fair collective agreement.

Unifor reaches tentative agreement with Jamieson Laboratories

WINDSOR – Unifor has reached a tentative agreement with Jamieson Laboratories in Windsor, Ont. on behalf of 317 members of Local 195.

The members have been engaged in strike since February 1. No details will be released until the ratification meeting, scheduled for March 5.

GreenShield Canada workers go on strike

WINDSOR – The over 600 members of Unifor who work at GreenShield Canada’s Windsor and Toronto offices went on strike just after midnight on March 1.

"It is extremely disappointing that a deal could not be reached,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. 

Unifor celebrates advancement towards universal pharmacare

OTTAWA - Unifor welcomes the federal government's tabling of new pharmacare legislation that lays the groundwork towards the realization of a universal pharmacare program in Canada. 

"Today’s historic victory is important for many reasons and especially during these challenging 

Arrest of reporter Brandi Morin alarming for Canadian news democracy

Unifor condemns the arrest of journalist Brandi Morin, calling on authorities to drop all charges as she heads into her next court date on March 1, 2024.

Morin, an award-winning journalist and author, was arrested Jan. 10, 2024, while covering people living in an encampment as the Edmonton police cleared the under-housed people out. 

She was arrested for not sticking to the exclusion zone police had set up for reporters.

Auto workers at THK Rhythm Automotive ratify new three-year collective agreement

Unifor Local 1859 members at THK Rhythm have voted to ratify a new collective agreement that includes general wage increases, a special inflation wage adjustment, new cost-of-living-adjustments (COLA), the reduction of wage progressions and the elimination of health and welfare benefit tiers. 

Unifor represents approximately 233 members at the auto parts manufacturer, located in Tillsonburg, Ontario. 

Wage increases, improved layoff protections part of new Euramax deal with Unifor members

Unifor members at Local 542 have unanimously voted in favour of a new three-year agreement with their manufacturing employer, Euramax, in Barrie, Ont.

“Congratulations to the bargaining committee for negotiating a strong contract that our manufacturing members could easily get behind,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “These are wins that should be celebrated.”

Euramax Canada manufactures aluminum eavestroughs, steel, vinyl and copper products, including roof drainage systems.

Unifor members at Arlanxeo ratify new agreement

Wage increases and pension gains are highlights of a new three-year contract ratified this week by members of Unifor Local 914.

“These were tough negotiations during a turbulent period for the company. The bargaining committee successfully struck a balance between achieving gains for the short term and stability for the future,” said Tom Rinker, Unifor Local 914 President.

Ontario Regional Council 2023

ORC 2023 was remarkable. 

Workers shared stories of struggle, communities coming together to lend a hand, and our collective resolve to fight like never before to change the world. 

During a time when conflict and division have grown, and the wealth gap widens and deepens, worker solidarity vividly shines through. 

Watch our ORC 2023 recap video to see key moments from this powerful gathering.

Statement for International Women’s Day 2024

On March 8, we mark International Women’s Day (IWD). 

As the union dedicated to advancing equity in every workplace, we can be proud of the considerable importance that Unifor places on bargaining equity gains, investments made in advancing women’s representation at every level of our union, and supports the union provides for women to take leadership roles in their workplaces, in politics, and within their communities. 

Unifor condemns CN Autoport's legal intimidation of striking workers

HALIFAX — Unifor condemns CN Autoport, for engaging in legal ploys to harass and intimidate workers engaged in peaceful strike action.

On the first day of a legal strike, Autoport sought an injunction that falsely accused Unifor Local 100 members of blocking access to International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) workers, a charge the union refutes.

Members at Sarnia Public Library and the Judith and Norman Alix Art Gallery vote 100% for robust agreement

Unifor Local 444 members are pleased after giving their unanimous seal of approval to ratifying a new deal with the City of Sarnia that covers workers at Sarnia Public Library and the Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery. 

“Congratulations to the bargaining committee, that showcased Unifor’s professionalism, credibility, experience and strength,” said National President Lana Payne. 

The ratification vote took place Feb. 18.

RailLine Volume 11 – Issue 7

Autoport attempts to strike bust with use of scab labour

Autoport is attempting to strike bust with the use of scabs, some brought in from out of province, who are violating the legal picket line of Unifor Local 100 members who commenced strike action at 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday, February 27, 2024.

Autoport attempts to strike bust with use of scab labour

HALIFAX — Autoport is attempting to strike bust with the use of scabs, some brought in from out of province, who are violating the legal picket line of Unifor Local 100 members who commenced strike action at 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday, February 27, 2024.

Unifor Calls for Anti-Scab Legislation

Unifor is calling on all elected officials at the provincial, territorial and federal level to enact anti-scab legislation, in accordance with a set of basic principles based, in part, in existing legislation in Quebec, BC, and international jurisdictions. 

Unifor Local 100 announces official strike position at Autoport

HALIFAX - Unifor Local 100 has served Autoport with 48-hour strike notice, positioning for strike action starting 12:01 a.m., Tuesday, February 27.

“The union remains fully committed to negotiating a fair and equitable deal for our members that address the challenging economic times,” said Lana Payne,

Unifor National President. “I am calling on the employer to return to Monday’s negotiations with a genuine intent to reach an agreement. Our members prefer to avoid a labour dispute but stand ready to act if it becomes necessary.”

Unifor and Jamieson Laboratories reach tentative agreement

WINDSOR – After several weeks of very challenging negotiations, Unifor and Jamieson Laboratories in Windsor, Ont. have reached a tentative agreement. 

The 317 members of Unifor Local 195 employed by Jamieson have been on strike since February 1.

No details will be released until the ratification meeting scheduled for this Sunday.

The tentative agreement is unanimously endorsed by the national union and the local 195 bargaining committee.

Unifor signs open letter condemning Alberta's anti-trans policies

Feminist organizations oppose Premier Smith’s reckless proposed restrictions on the rights, freedoms, and medical care of trans youth and their families.

We, the undersigned, strongly condemn the Government of Alberta’s planned changes to gender-affirming care, education, and sports in the province. These changes amount to an attack on trans people, and in particular trans youth.