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Unifor joins Let's Talk TPP

Unifor has become a partner in the Let's Talk TPP campaign, joining other progressive groups across Canada concerned about the deeply flawed deal. Join the conversation now by clicking here and sending a message to the Trade Minister and the Trade Committee.

Unifor calls for constructive change to Cap and Trade Bill

Unifor supports the goals of Ontario's climate change action program but the union, representing members who work at 30 of the 150 large emitters listed on Ontario's reporting facilities data base, is calling for constructive changes to Bill 172. That's the message Unifor will delivered at a hearing of the Standing Committee on General Government on Bill 172, Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act. 

Coast Guard proceeds with MCTS Comox closure prior to Parliamentary Committee Recommendations

OTTAWA, April 12, 2016 /CNW/ - The union representing Canada's Coast Guard Communications Officers says that Coast Guard Management is proceeding with an ill-advised plan to close the Marine Communications and Traffic Services Centre (MCTS) in Comox, BC despite the fact that the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans is still investigating the proposal and has yet to make its recommendations.

Coast Guard proceeds with MCTS Comox closure prior to Parliamentary Committee Recommendations

OTTAWA, April 11, 2016 /CNW/ - The union representing Canada's Coast Guard Communications Officers says that Coast Guard Management is proceeding with an ill-advised plan to close the Marine Communications and Traffic Services Centre (MCTS) in Comox, BC despite the fact that the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans is still investigating the proposal and has yet to make its recommendations.

Unifor fights racism

Unifor marked the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination...

Unifor calls for constructive change to Cap and Trade Bill

TORONTO, April 6, 2016 /CNW/ - Unifor supports the goals of Ontario's climate change action program but the union, representing members who work at 30 of the 150 large emitters listed on Ontario's reporting facilities data base, is calling for constructive changes to Bill 172.

Media Advisory: Unifor to present on Bill 172

TORONTO, April 6, 2016 /CNW/ - Unifor supports the goals of Ontario's climate change action program but the union, representing members who work at 30 of the 150 large emitters listed on Ontario's reporting facilities data base, is calling for constructive changes to Bill 172. That's the message Unifor will deliver today at a hearing of the Standing Committee on General Government on Bill 172, Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act. 

Letter to Ralph Goodale - Minister of Public Safety

Unifor National President Jerry Dias sent a letter to Ralph Goodale the Minister of public safety asking to improve public safety and the safety of armoured car employees. Within our diverse union we are proud to represent 2,000 members in the Canadian armoured car industry. The men and women who work in this sector are routinely exposed to danger and their safety is increasingly jeopardized by the lack of comprehensive federal regulation.

EI reform a very good start

This was published in the Huffington Post on Thursday March 31, 2016

The Employment Insurance changes in the federal budget last week mark a significant and positive change in attitude coming out of Ottawa.

Under the former Conservative Government, workers who lost their jobs had come to learn that Ottawa would not be there for them with an EI plan that would see them through the tough times of looking for a job as the government repeatedly chipped away at the eligibility for collecting benefits.

Coast guard announces closure date for Comox centre

VICTORIA, March 31, 2016 /CNW/ - Despite the protests of front line officers, the Canadian Coast Guard management has just announced that it is rushing ahead with plans to close the Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS) centre in Comox on May 10, 2016. Unifor Local 2182 says that ongoing audio quality issues at other MCTS centres are so serious that the safety of vessels and the coastline are at risk.

Support for auto and aerospace a glaring omission in budget

This was published in the Huffington Post on Thursday March 24, 2016

The first budget from the new Liberal government is full of promise, and even a few good moves on a several fronts. But it also fails to deliver in too many ways, such as support for the key auto and aerospace sectors.

Don’t get me wrong, there is much to celebrate in this budget, including the essential move to reject austerity and use the tools of government to simulate a weakening economy. But on each count, it seems, an opportunity was lost to do more.

Media Advisory: Rally to defend Saskatchewan crown corporations

REGINA, March 24, 2016 /CNW/ - Rampant privatization under the Saskatchewan Party government has prompted supporters of crown corporations and public services to hold a mid-election rally. Unifor and its allies are demanding a clear statement of support for publicly-controlled crown corporations from all political parties.