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A Quebec Council marked by a spirit of commitment and solidarity

The 15th Quebec Council was held virtually in November, with nearly 250 people participating.

Quebec Director Renaud Gagné kicked things off with an overview of the major files that have kept the union busy over the past months and weeks. This was followed by presentations on the negative repercussions for health and safety of the adoption of Bill 59 as well as on issues related to violence against women.

Unifor Local 1015 Canadian Linen plant workers ratify new deal

Unifor Local 1015 Canadian Linen workers voted 80% to ratify a four-year collective agreement Friday, November 26, 2021 in Dartmouth, N.S.

“Congratulations to the members of Local 1015,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “The bargaining team represented workers’ values and priorities and negotiated the best collective agreement for the membership.”

The term of the new agreement is retroactive to January 1, 2021 and expires on January 1, 2024.

Are worker wages keeping pace with inflation?

By Kaylie Tiessen

Inflation continues to be a very hot topic, both in public policy conversations and around the bargaining table. This third blog in the research department’s “Focus on Inflation Series’ looks more closely at worker wages and the effect inflation is having on purchasing power.

FFAW celebrates and the struggle lives on

By Lana Payne

This month, FFAW/Unifor celebrated 50 years of trade unionism for the workers of Newfoundland and Labrador. For 50 years, my local union has been confronting power, defying the odds, sharing the wealth and building solidarity.

Here are, in writing, some of the words I shared with the welcoming audience at the recent celebration.

Thirty years after going to work for the working women and men represented by FFAW, there was no way to know where it would lead me.

Unifor serves 72-hour strike notice to two container trucking companies

VANCOUVER—Container truck drivers at Aheer Transportation and Prudential Transportation could be on strike as soon as December 3, 2021 after 72-hours notice was served today by Unifor.

“Unifor will not let Aheer and Prudential escape their responsibilities to workers,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “The pattern collective agreement negotiated this summer is fair and reasonable. There will be no exemptions for greedy employers.”

Enbridge dodging responsibilities with corporate shell game

TORONTO — Unifor Locals at Enbridge Gas Inc. have filed an application at the Ontario Labour Relations Board and filed a grievance in order to defend bargaining unit rights after learning that Enbridge Inc. is contracting out union work to a wholly-owned subsidiary.

“We will fight for union rights for all energy workers who have been cheated out of better wages and benefits,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Enbridge cannot continue to use smoke and mirrors to create a shadow workforce doing the same work under a different name.”

Fairness for RPNs

Please use the form below to send an email to your MPP, the Minister of Health and Premier Doug Ford, demanding fairness for RPNs.



Unifor members at Gibraltar Mine ratify new agreement

WILLIAMS LAKE—Wage increases and improvements to benefits are the key components of a new collective agreement ratified this week by members of Unifor Local 3018.

“Unifor members are critical to the success of the Gibraltar Mine and it is important that the collective agreement reflect that,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

In historic first, federal sector workers get ten paid sick days

OTTAWA – Unifor applauds the introduction of legislation to provide 10 paid sick days for all federal private sector workers.

“Today is a day of leadership, and shows what can be done when you are aggressive and progressive… It’s about the millions of Canadians who are depending on provincial governments to pass comparable legislation,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President at today’s announcement with the federal Minister of Labour, Seamus O’Regan.

Unifor launches campaign to improve warehouse working conditions

TORONTO– As the holiday shopping season ramps up on Black Friday, Unifor has launched the ‘Warehouse Workers Unite’ campaign to improve working conditions for workers in warehousing, distribution and logistics facilities across the country.

“Frontline essential warehouse workers literally carry the load to ensure that we have access to the goods that we need but they also bear the brunt as pressure for faster and faster delivery results in ever-worsening conditions, with increased demands to work at almost impossible speeds,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Unifor launches campaign to improve warehouse working conditions

As the holiday shopping season ramps up on Black Friday, Unifor is launching the ‘Warehouse Workers Unite’ campaign to improve working conditions for workers in warehousing, distribution and logistics facilities across the country.

“Frontline essential warehouse workers literally carry the load to ensure that we have access to the goods that we need but they also bear the brunt as pressure for faster and faster delivery results in ever-worsening conditions, with increased demands to work at almost impossible speeds,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Unifor unveils new poster for National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

To recognize the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women next month, Unifor is launching a new poster to commemorate the day on December 6, 2021.

The downloadable and printable posters will feature male leadership, including National President Jerry Dias, encouraging other men to speak up about men’s violence against women with a list of ways they can advocate for it.

Statement on the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

Unifor’s activism against violence against women and gender-based violence in all its forms is strong and longstanding. Together workers have won efforts to prevent violence, and better support survivors. Women have led the way. 

Women still experience violence predominantly at the hands of men, most often their intimate partners or family members. Men's violence against women has increased sharply during the pandemic. 

By naming the source of the violence, we can focus more clearly on finding solutions. 

Unifor members at Clean Harbors take strike action

November 22, 2021

SARNIA—The workers responsible for treating toxic waste at Corunna’s Clean Harbors site went on strike starting at 12:01 a.m. today.

“Gender equality and fairness are at the core of this job action,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “The employer can either follow the collective agreement and ensure wages keep up with inflation or it can expect work disruptions.”

Building Back Better a strong focus at Aviation Council

Unifor’s Aviation Council held its first meeting in two years on November 17, 2021 since COVID-19 caused a shutdown of the airline sector.

“As a sector, we’re clearly in for a slow path back to where we were before the pandemic. While flights may be full, there are far fewer than before as airlines manage capacity,” said Leslie Dias, Unifor Director of Airlines in her opening remarks. “As a union, we’ve been looking at things we can do to speed up that process.”

Unifor Local 2002 ratifies new three-year deal with Nasittuq

The 50 Unifor members that work at the Canadian Forces Station Alert military site in Nunavut have struck a new three-year deal with their employer, Nasittuq.

Unifor Local 2002, which represents site-support services, food services, airfield operations, program management, and logistical and administrative support to the Canadian Government for the maintenance and operation of the CFS Alert, ratified the agreement on November 15, 2021 by 67%.

World Toilet Day 2021

Most Canadians take safe sanitation for granted. But across the world, approximately 3.6 billion people do not have access to a safely managed sanitation service (WHO/UNICEF 2021).

As an affiliate of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), Unifor recognizes World Toilet Day as an opportunity to raise awareness about regions and workplaces where workers still fight for the basic dignity of safe sanitation.

Historian tracks spillover of right-wing politics

The storm of right-wing politics that has raged in the United States is showing signs of coming north and affecting Canada, Duke University historian and author Nancy MacLean told a Unifor meeting this week.

“It’s very much tornado weather in U.S.,” MacLean told Unifor’s Strategic Planning Committee. “It has been quite a wild ride and now we are in a race with time ahead of the 2022 mid-term elections.”

MacLean, who also spoke at Unifor’s Constitutional convention in Quebec City, said the situation among right-wingers has only got worse since then.

Unifor Statement on the Trans Day of Remembrance

Unifor recognises November 20 as the Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR). November 20 is a day of mourning, as our union comes together to recognize those whose lives - overwhelmingly Black trans women and femmes - have been taken due to anti-trans violence.

Unifor’s own constitution asserts the union’s commitment to equity and inclusion, to ensure equality for all members regardless of gender identity and to fight for their rights in our workplaces, communities, and in broader society.