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Letter to Premier Ford re: Rapid Testing at Airports

December 15, 2020

Honourable Doug Ford, Office of the Premier
Legislative Building, Queen’s Park
Toronto, ON M7A 1A1

Dear Premier Ford,

I was pleased to read of your support for the addition of rapid testing to the safe and healthy border control measures here in Ontario.

Energy workers speak out for good jobs

Unifor’s Energy Council has published a new video that features rank-and-file members in the energy sector talking about the union’s campaign

Information Bulletin #4

Sisters and Brothers,

Negotiations with the Company continued this week in Ottawa via Zoom. The Union and the Company have exchanged proposals and have started to work through the non-monetary demands.  We have engaged the Mobilization Committee, to distribute an educational document regarding the process of Federal Bargaining.  We will continue to keep you updated as the process unfolds.

In Solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee

International Human Rights Day Statement

It’s 2020. Seventy-two years after the United Nations General assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We should be celebrating all the accomplishments in Human Rights.

RailLine Volume 7, Issue 11 - Minister of Labour Appoints Conciliator for Unifor Council 4000 Bargaining with VIA Rail

Last week, Unifor filed a Notice of Dispute with the Federal Minister of Labour requesting the assistance of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) in our collective bargaining with VIA Rail on the renewal of Collective Agreements 1 and 2, which covers 1,700 members of Unifor Council 4000. 

On Monday, December 7, the Minister appointed a conciliation officer to the Council 4000 / VIA Rail bargaining table. The chart below outlines the schedule that will be followed through the conciliation process up to the setting of a bargaining deadline: